This is mostly going to be a photo dump of all my various progress through Season 34, so apologies in advance! It's been a wild few days and I'm not even sure how to describe it, if I'm being honest.
Starting Fresh:
I decided to roll a couple of new characters this season. I chose to start with a witch doctor (of course), but then added a crusader, wizard, and demon hunter, mostly because 1) I love the aegis of valor crusader build for its fast farming capabilities 2) I need set dungeons completed for wizard and demon hunter.
Epic Moments:
There have been some unforgettable moments so far. From clutch victories in Greater Rifts to those perfect gear drops that made my build shine, but most exciting has been the sheer amount of primal ancient items that have dropped for me this season. I even got 2 primal ancients in one enmity before unlocking the double primal drops on the Altar of Rites. Here are some photos capturing those epic moments:
Gear Grind:
The grind for gear has been real this season, especially with four characters. Whether it's farming for those elusive legendary drops or crafting and enchanting, it's been a journey. I've collected just about every set piece I can on the off chance my husband will agree to run the set dungeons for those sets, lol. 😂 I have pieces of the Aegis of Valor set for reforging in the hopes of getting primal ancients, Armor of Akkhan, Roland's Legacy, Seeker of the Light, and Thorns of the Invoker.
For witch doctor, I believe I have full sets for Helltooth Harness, Mundunugu's Regalia (from Haedrig's Gift), Raiment of the Jade Harvester, Spirit of Arachyr, and Zunimassa's Haunt. I generally keep the Mundunugu's equipped because I know that build the best.
For my wizard, I have the Delsere's Magnum Opus set equipped, using the frozen orb build. I also have a flame blade Firebird's build put together, a completed Typhon's Veil set. I'm working on putting together a Tal Rasha's build and just farming those pieces.
Lastly my demon hunter. I have a full set of Unhallowed Essence and I'm loving the multishot build that my husband and I have put together. I have a full Embodiment of the Marauder set, though not all the pieces for a full build, and I also have the Gears of Dreadlands set pieces but probably not all extra little legendary pieces to make the build viable.
Multiplayer Fun:
Playing with a friend has added new possibilities and challenges. Teaming up for bounties, rifts, conquests, and just general chaos has been a blast. My husband and I usually play together, just the two of us, but this season his former coworker decided to join us. While not without its challenges, having a third person helped us to get my last conquest!
The first one I got was On a Good Day: Level six Legendary Gems to level 65.
Second was Years of War: Reach Greater Rift 55 Solo while using the full bonus from six of the following Class Sets. The sets I chose were: Mundunugu's Regalia, Aegis of Valor, Raiment of the Jade Harvester, Helltooth Harness, Firebird's Finery, and Delsere's Magnum Opus.
And the final conquest I achieved was Boss Mode: Kill all bosses listed within 20 minutes from starting the game.
Act I - The Skeleton King, Queen Araneae, The Butcher
Act II - Maghda, Zoltun Kulle, Belial
Act III - Ghom, Siegebreaker, Cydea, Azmodan
Act IV - Rakanoth, Izual, Diablo
Act V - Urzael, Adria, Malthael
Looking Forward:
And that's it, I've completed Season 34's Season Journey!
I’m excited to see how far I can push my character in Greater Rifts, but I'm also not really likely to jump back into the game now that I'm done. The journey has been wild and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Stay tuned for more updates, and share your own Season 34 stories in the comments!