Wednesday, July 31, 2019


After completing my Camp NaNo project, I think I'm going to take a little break to have some time to myself, so if I don't post for a little while, please excuse me. This was my first Camp NaNo and was a lot more draining than I anticipated, and that's not even counting all the personal troubles that have landed my way just in the past week.

I'm not planning on a long hiatus, or heck, there may be no hiatus at all, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm not really in a good place right now. I am trying to get ahead of it so that I can (hopefully) put an end to it before it has much of a chance to take over, though, so wish me luck.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Camp NaNo complete!

I did it! My first Camp NaNo ever!

Set my goal to 10,000 & managed get about 10,200 before validating.

Now who’s ready for November? 😋

Sunday, July 28, 2019

3 days!

There are 3 days left of Camp NaNoWriMo.

I have 3 days to reach my goal of 10,000 words. How many words do I currently have? 9,184.

I wrote 103 words today, which means I only have 713 words to go until I finish - wish me luck!

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Did I…. just get a shiny Wynaut from an egg?!



*ahem* Um.... yes... shinies are very rare for me to get, but I've gotten more from Pokémon Go than in any other Pokémon game.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

*frantic scrambling*


So this week (tomorrow!) I'll be uploading Chapter 9 to Mirror of Manacles and the only problem I have with that is that my buffer has run out!

Chapter 10 is barely started and I only have a few days to finish it to maintain my current schedule.

Wish me luck! ><

Friday, July 19, 2019

more words!

I added words to chapter 9! 

I had ended the chapter at 578 words originally, but felt that it was definitely lacking something, so I added 884 more. ^^
That’s 1,462 words total for your reading pleasure, to be posted on Wednesday, July 24th, 2019 (hopefully in the morning - I live in Eastern time, if that helps).

Ready? Set? Notes!

Taking notes on the comments you’ve left on Mirror of Manacles so I can (hopefully) address them in text!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

a simple gift

When I was growing up, my mom used to play Super Mario Bros 3 & I’d sit to watch. She was so *good* at it, at least to me, & she got to world 8 & beat Bowser so many times; I thought it was magic.
But she doesn’t play video games any more; her husband doesn’t like them, therefore she doesn’t play, so I got her, “a friend,” for her desk.
She texted me yesterday that she cried happy tears.
I wish she would play again.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

To Whom it May Concern;


Right now, what you're writing is going to be someone's favorite book/story. Keep going, you're almost there.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Caught! Kyogre

This jerk took so many great and ultra balls to try and catch! I spent over ten minutes in the middle of a store trying to get this idiot!

And now I see he's, "extra small," and just... ugh.

Still, one more legendary down!

Sunday, July 7, 2019


We're moving into a new house!

But don't worry, there will be no interruption to my posts; all it means is that I can't play games for a while. TT.TT  My husband is taking care of the move while I'm several hundred miles away helping out family.

Camp NaNo Stats

over 8,000 words!

so close!

Buffer Building

Chapter 9 is done! The chapter cushion is slowly being built back up again. ^^
Currently over 8,000 words, I think - super excited!

Saturday, July 6, 2019


Chapter 7 of Mirror of Manacles is set to upload on Tumblr at 12:01am Eastern time Wednesday, July 10th ^^
I’ll upload it on Ao3 sometime in the morning as I’m able. Tumblr is nice because I can schedule things ahead of time. ^^

snippet #003

Caleb saw the elder drow advance on Essek, who was attempting to covertly cast the summoning spell.

Released from the mirror, Caleb’s mind did not seek the nuanced formulas or complex spells; he used his fists, looking like a wild man attacking the imposing interloper with only visions of his own personal torment clouding his sight. Ikithon.

Ikithon’s hands. Ikithon’s words. Those honeyed words woven into a cloak of righteousness and self-importance. How serving him was to serve the Empire. How earning his favor was to be sought above all else...

By the time Caleb was pulled off the older man, his once-handsome features were battered beyond recognition, & Caleb’s hands were cut and bleeding from making contact with his teeth. He turned on who had pulled him away, ready to fight whoever was next, only to be met with Essek’s hands cupping his face. Essek’s words, his voice low & calming, guiding him towards clarity rather than continued fervor.


“Come, let us wash that all away.”

And Caleb believed that he could.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Text-Based D&D

Oh my goodness I love this! I wish my online D&D was like this, I'm not so good with the voice chat stuff, but this? This I could definitely do. 

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...