Saturday, April 28, 2018


An homage to my first ever WoW character from 2006, whom I think is lost forever. :(

Having some trouble killing the sea giant in the cave of Suramar, so hopefully I can get that done at some point. Anyone need a Druid?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kirin Tor Offensive: done!

Reputation Mounts

FactionMountExalted?Got It?
SaberstalkersBristling HellboarNN
The OraclesGreen Proto-DrakeNN
Talon’s VengeanceIvory HawkstriderNN
Sunreaver OnslaughtCrimson Primal DirehornNN
Sha’tari DefenseArmored IrontuskNN
RamkahenBrown Riding CamelNN

Tan Riding CamelNN
Operation: ShieldwallGrand Armored GryphonYY
NetherwingAzure Netherwing DrakeNN

Cobalt Netherwing DrakeNN

Onyx Netherwing DrakeNN

Purple Netherwing DrakeNN

Veridian Netherwing DrakeNN

Violet Netherwing DrakeNN
Nat PagleCrimson Water StriderNN
Laughing Skull OrcsIronside WarwolfNN
Kirin Tor OffensiveGolden Primal DirehornYY
Frostwolf OrcsSwift FrostwolfNN
Emperor ShaohaoHeavenly Golden Cloud SerpentNN
Dominance OffensiveGrand Armored WyvernNN
Council of ExarchsDusty RockhideNN
Cenarion ExpeditionCenarion War HippogryphYY
Army of the LightLightforged WarframeNN
Argussian ReachAmethyst RuinstriderNN

Beryl RuinstriderNN

Cerulean RuinstriderNN

Russet RuinstriderNN

Sable RuinstriderNN

Umber RuinstriderNN
Arakkoa OutcastsShadowmane ChargerNN
Kurenai/Mah’harCobalt Riding TalbukNN

Cobalt War TalbukNN

Silver Riding TalbukNN

Silver War TalbukNN

Tan Riding TalbukNN

Tan War TalbukNN

White Riding TalbukNN

White War TalbukNN
Hand of the ProphetDeathtusk FelboarNN

More Saddles!

All righty, so after 80,000 gold for 4 Orbs of Mystery, lots of Ghost Iron farming to transmute to Trillium to then transmute to Living Steel, plus many days of doing said activities, I finally have all 4 of the Jewelcrafted panthers, ending on the Jade Panther.

The fun part? I get to do it all again so I can have the Onyx Panther, so you know. . . fun times.

BUT! I got the achievement for 150 mounts useable on one character, so that's also a plus!

Saturday, April 21, 2018


So... I made Chuari around the time my husband decided, "Hey! We should make one of each class!" because this was around the time when changing specs was not a thing. There was dual-spec, but not, "Here, switch whenever you want,"

Friday, April 20, 2018

[Ruby Panther]

Up to 60,000g spent on these things XD

Just got the jade one to go - & then 4 more for the onyx one ><

Thursday, April 19, 2018

[Frosty Flying Carpet]

1 Moonshroud
1 Ebonweave
1 Spellweave
4 Frozen Orbs

One of the easiest mounts I've ever crafted.

Unlike *glares* leatherworking. . .

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

[Sapphire Panther]

1 of 2 again, because I got impatient and just wanted the mounts. This way I can take my time and recover all this gold they're costing me. . .

Up to 40,000 gold.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

[Sunstone Panther]

1 of 2 because of course the [Jeweled Onyx Panther] needs all four jeweled panthers to make it. . .

20,000 gold for Orb of Mystery

Tabletop Tuesday

Okay so remember the {Husband Appreciation Post}from Friday?

I’m hoping we can sit down for a proper Session Zero soon; I’ve already made a list of questions and things to go over, and I hope everyone is comfortable enough that they can ask me anything they like or raise any concerns that they may have.

If everything goes well I’m hoping to be DM to my husband and two other friends. We’ll probably be running the campaign that I wrote just because it’s something I already have prepared and I can tweak it just enough to make it different and still enjoyable for my husband at least, who’s already played through it… at least a little bit. Definitely planning on throwing in some new things just to keep him on his toes, lol. I do not appreciate nor do I tolerate metagaming.

Current Session Zero checklist:

Session Zero date:__/__/____

# of Players:        

Expected session length:

When can everyone get together?

Where to have sessions?

How to handle snacks?
     Bring your own or rotate?

Topics to avoid/turnoffs?

Preferred play style?
     Open world like Skyrim?
     Dungeon crawler like Diablo 3?
     Politics-driven like Dragon Age Inquisition?
     Mixture of all of the above?

Monday, April 16, 2018

[Magnificent Flying Carpet]

12 Bolts of Imbued Frostweave Cloth
4 Monarch Topaz
4 Red dye
2 Yellow dye
4 Iceweb Spider Silk


SO MUCH FARMING for the frostweave and topazes

Magnificent Flying Carpet

But I finally got it.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

[Great Northern Elderhorn]

@Blizzard. . . I absolutely despise this quest. I waited until I got flight to do it and even then it was hard. Please be nicer to leatherworkers?

PS: Also let us sell the mounts we make? Thanks!


Saturday, April 14, 2018


I made a Warlock on a whim sometime after I made Chessur, and while I like the class, it's really hard for me to solo certain content. >< So... Warlock looking for group? lol

Epic Ring

Friday, April 13, 2018

Champion of Darnassus

Swift Moonsaber

Huzzah! I am finally the Champion of Darnassus!

Husband Appreciation Post

Can I just take a minute to say, "Thank you," to my husband? He went to some of our friends and asked them if they would like to come over for a D&D session at our place some time. He knows how much it means to me to have people over and socialize, so I'm very thankful to him for going out of his way to do that for me.

So thank you, Sweetheart, it means a lot to me. 

Farming Friday

Faction Reputation To Go Status
Netherwing 8946 3054 Honored
Kurenai 602 20398 Revered
The Oracles 501 20499 Revered
The Silver Covenant 8221 12779 Revered
Ramkahen 10029 10971 Revered
Kirin Tor Offensive 10450 10550 Revered
Emperor Shaohao 4330 7670 Honored
Sha’tari Defense 558 5442 Friendly
Hand of the Prophet 9040 11960 Revered
Council of Exarchs 18207 2793 Revered
Arakkoa Outcasts 12781 8219 Revered
Army of the Light 1510 19490 Revered
Argussian Reach 9600 2400 Honored

Saturday, April 7, 2018


My first ever WoW character that I've kept past a free trial. Started in 2011, I've been off & on for about 7 years, but this is by far my favorite character who actually started as a Beast Master Hunter and then somewhere around level 60 I changed to Marksman. :)

Friday, April 6, 2018

[Reins of the Black Primal Raptor]

Was randomly killing things on Isle of Giants in Pandaria when I got an egg. Looked it up and found that it hatches a mount so... woohoo! Two more to go! 

Nightfallen Rep

6,688 to go!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Alignments Explained

by jumpydroid on tumblr

Reputation Mounts

FactionMountExalted?Got It?
SaberstalkersBristling HellboarNN
The OraclesGreen Proto-DrakeNN
Talon’s VengeanceIvory HawkstriderNN
Sunreaver OnslaughtCrimson Primal DirehornNN
Sha’tari DefenseArmored IrontuskNN
RamkahenBrown Riding CamelNN

Tan Riding CamelNN
Operation: ShieldwallGrand Armored GryphonYY
NetherwingAzure Netherwing DrakeNN

Cobalt Netherwing DrakeNN

Onyx Netherwing DrakeNN

Purple Netherwing DrakeNN

Veridian Netherwing DrakeNN

Violet Netherwing DrakeNN
Nat PagleCrimson Water StriderNN
Laughing Skull OrcsIronside WarwolfNN
Kirin Tor OffensiveGolden Primal DirehornNN
Frostwolf OrcsSwift FrostwolfNN
Emperor ShaohaoHeavenly Golden Cloud SerpentNN
Dominance OffensiveGrand Armored WyvernNN
Council of ExarchsDusty RockhideNN
Cenarion ExpeditionCenarion War HippogryphNN
Army of the LightLightforged WarframeNN
Argussian ReachAmethyst RuinstriderNN

Beryl RuinstriderNN

Cerulean RuinstriderNN

Russet RuinstriderNN

Sable RuinstriderNN

Umber RuinstriderNN
Arakkoa OutcastsShadowmane ChargerNN
Kurenai/Mah’harCobalt Riding TalbukNN

Cobalt War TalbukNN

Silver Riding TalbukNN

Silver War TalbukNN

Tan Riding TalbukNN

Tan War TalbukNN

White Riding TalbukNN

White War TalbukNN
Hand of the ProphetDeathtusk FelboarNN

Monday, April 2, 2018

Spring is here! (?)

Cherry blossom festival in DC! 🌸
Took a trip to DC yesterday and, while maybe not my first choice, we did manage to see some cherry blossoms during the festival despite all the people.

The reason I say it wasn't my first choice is because I don't usually do big cities or long trips due to personal issues. 😖

Sunday, April 1, 2018

re: Update! 3/26/18

Schedule? Nope, sorry, can't do it. I really tried, guys.


Hello there! I’m Morwyn, the admin of Midnight Grind. I’m a homemaker with a passion for games and sometimes a little too much free time.

On October 20th, 2016, I started up Midnight Grind over on Blogspot, just a little blog to catalog my gaming experiences, achievements, and trinkets.

On the other hand, my husband has little time to himself and thus can’t keep up with some of the games we play together, like Diablo 3 or World of Warcraft to name a couple. So I decided, as a surprise/gift, that I’d play on his account to try and earn him some equipment/achievements/whatever. ^^

It may not be a lot, but I know he’ll be happy when he sees all the nifty things he has now. I know it’s mostly Diablo 3, but World of Warcraft is a little more difficult seeing as how he doesn’t have an active subscription at the moment, haha.

So I guess that makes this a Diablo 3 farming/grinding blog? But wait! We also play Pathfinder together with two other people and my best friend GMs for us. I do my best to catalog our shenanigans – which, believe me, is difficult – and it’s rather slow going right now, but I’m sure it’ll pick up soon once we all get comfortable with each other. ^^

Think you’ve seen me online elsewhere but can’t remember where? Here are my social links:

If there’s anything you’d like to ask me, my Tumblr asks are always open or you’re more than welcome to email me at

Thank you so very much, and I hope to talk to you soon!
~ Morwyn

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...