Friday, April 26, 2019

😱 Cursed! 😱

Well, I think it's official: my D&D campaign is cursed. This darn festival has lasted for months.

We've had to cancel several times these past few weeks and just when we thought we were ready to go last night, one of my players sent me a text to let me know he was unable to make it due to having had a long day at work... which I completely understand! Rest is important and personal health is obviously way more important than a game. We were just so close to ending this accursed tournament and moving on to (hopefully) better content.

May 2nd is my off-week, so I'll be writing furiously to come up with some cool stuff for the gang to do, they're about to get a crap ton of amazing items because, "Why not?" and hopefully that means I can throw some harder things at them. (Not harder-hitting things, mind, but more challenging like social encounters or don't-kill-that encounters).

So wish me luck for May 9th!

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Season 34 Progress - Happy Valentine's Day!

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