Friday, December 30, 2016

Season 8 End

So the season is ending in about 18 minutes & I’m paragon 183 I think, somewhere around there, which will be added to my existing non-seasonal paragon of 554. I know it’s not as simple as 554 + 183, but I’m hoping to at least get upwards of 560.

Smush the Barbarian
I don’t know how all these people are paragon 1000+ – probably because they have 3 other people to run rifts with – but I’m making my way… slowly by surely.

If anyone out there wants to run rifts with a Jade Harvester Witch Doctor, though, hit me up! Write a comment on this post & let’s rift!

(Headed out to see the Assassin’s Creed movie later tonight, so I’ll probably be back later to sort out my inventory & things like that. Moving things to the stash & whatnot.)

Still wondering what I should play for Season 9! If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Please remember! Season 9 starts on January 6th!



With 4.5 hours left until the end of the season, my husband just now completed his Greater Rift level 20 with just 36 seconds to spare!

still working...

And we’re back! Trying to get some good gear so we can try to get Skag into a level 20 GRift . ^^


Off to bed for now, will resume in the morning, huzzah!

Currently working on Chapter 4 in order to get the last 2 pieces of the Uliana Monk class set. :)


WE HIT 70! NOW IT'S TIME TO GET THOSE [ugly] WINGS! (& the paragon portrait, sure)

Lord of Bells!

Finished a Nephalem Rift in the Enchanted Prison with Infernal Bovines as our enemies & the Lord of Bells as our Rift Guardian, who drops the white-name Man Prodder transmog item. ^^

Happy hunting!

(also, we have a level 67 Skag!)

Level 50!

Aaaaaand we just hit 50! Husband finally came up to help me on my "quest." So now he made a T6 game (as a lower level than myself) & we're just blasting through Nephalem Rifts!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Level 40!

Woohoo! Made it to 40! Now just 30 levels & a few achievements left to go... TT.TT

Still, that is the point of this blog after all: not my achievements, but what I can do to  help out my husband.

Also! I did some transmogging so that I wouldn't have to look at all those mismatched pieces - gave me a headache! Hopefully this little number will be much better to look at. ^^

[Honey, if you ever read this, just know that I love you & I'd do it all again if you but asked me to.]


Decided to be a good wife & work on leveling up my husband's monk as best I can before the season ends! I made this monk on his account, he wouldn't even know it existed if I hadn't told him. (so much for a surprise, lol >< bad wife)

So meet Skag everybody!
level 30 Skag


Well, didn't have a whole lot of time today, so I managed to do 2 barrel runs & a few T4 Nephalem Rifts... not the greatest haul, I know, but it's what I had time for.

I was going to run my husband's monk through to 70 & get the portrait/wings combo -- since that's really what this blog is for -- but the class set this season isn't really worth it in my opinion & I feel he'd get much more enjoyment out of it if he geared his monk up himself. 

Maybe I'm selfish & just projecting... maybe after dinner I can try to redeem myself. Not sure how far I can go before the season ends, but maybe, just maybe, I can get the rewards for him?

Here's hoping.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Run 11

Blood Thief: 0

Gem Hoarder: 1

Gilded Baron: 0

Odious Collector: 1 (vault!)

Rainbow: 0

Treasure: 1

Legendaries: 6

Barracks: 1

Bandit Shrine!

Going to have to take a quick break while I go make dinner, & I may even be done for the night, but we'll see. Glad I got a Realm of Greed, but I had just turned my difficulty down to T1, dang it!

10 Run Results:

So you "saw" my first 3 runs, but I ended up doing 7 more to make it an even 10. Here are my results that I compiled from all 10:

Blood Thieves:          3
Gem Hoarders:        3
Gilded Barons:         3
Odious Collectors:   4
Rainbow Goblins:    1
Treasure Goblins:     4
Legendaries:            5

Then for the Barracks, I actually had to look up to make sure I was going to the right one, because I was starting to doubt myself. Out of 10 games, I only had The Barracks, twice. That's 20% of the time, & neither of them had a Mysterious Barrel for me. I get that it's a rare thing, but wow!

All in all, though, I did end up gaining 8 levels, so I'm sitting at 161 so far. Going to do a few more runs, I think, just for fun.

Last season I somehow managed to get into the 400s for paragon levels... don't think I'm going to get that high before the end of this season though, haha. Oops.

By the way, Season 8 ends on the 30th, so make sure you get done whatever you need to before then. Season 9 will be starting up on January 6th so I hope to see you there! What class will you be making & why? Just curious!

Real Run Time!

10:31 - No barracks in Act 3.
10:40 - No gobo in Cave of the Moon Clan (CMC) level 1
10:41 - No gobo in CMC level 2 
10:43 - RAINBOW GOBO in Northern Highlands (NH) 
10:45 - realize my husband's account is NOT logged in so even if I find the Cosmic Wings, he can't have them. FML. 
10:46 - KILL ALL THE THINGS RAWR BARBY SMASH (because I'm upset >< )
10:48 - ding paragon (p) 153 
10:51 - killed yellow name pack 
10:51 - smash pinata, get legendary amulet (Ancient Squirt's Necklace... yay?) 
10:55 - run out of room in inventory TT.TT (still picking up non-legendary things because, hey, materials) 
10:57 - kill champion twinkleroot & Super Awesome Sparkle Cake
10:58 - back to town, to salvage, logout, & head back in again 
10:58 - run #1 is done 

10:59 - play with the kitten because she's crying, hold on 

11:00 - never mind, she's not coming to be petted (or she's invisible)

11:02 - found the fortified bunker (FB)! 

11:09 - found FB level 2! 
11:15 - no Mysterious Barrel (duh, because I went to the wrong place)
11:17 - p 154 
11:20 - Odious Collector in Southern Highlands (SH)! 
11:22 - no gobo in CMC level 1 
11:24 - no gobo in CMC level 2 
11:24 - teleport (TP) to NH 
11:25 - Odious Collector in NH! 
11:29 - go to Royal Crypts (RC) to check there... 
11:31 - Gilded Barron in RC! 1,085,000 gold dropped! 
11:32 - decide to go kill Skeleton King because, eh, why not? I'm already here... 
11:34 - on to Core of Arreat, because I think there's a chance to spawn a gobo here 
11:35 - p 155 + Gem Hoarder gobo! 
11:36 - run #2 is done 

 11:40 - run #3 BEGINS 

11:41 - to SH! (where there's actually a bounty to clear CMC) 
11:42 - Gem Hoarder in CMC level 1! 
11:46 - no gobo CMC level 2 - on to NH! 
11:49 - no gobo in NH, checking RC 
11:50 - Treasure Goblin in RC! 

11:51 - play with crying kitty 

11:56 - check Core of Arreat 

11:58 - Treasure Goblin in CoA! 
11:59 - kill Scorpitox for fun - now go check for Barracks 
12:00 - Barracks are here, look for level 2 
12:00 - find Blood Thief instead 
12:02 - p 156 

12:04 - kitten crying again, brb 

12:08 - kitten is afraid of the trash pickup, needed Momma's help to fight off trash truck 

12:11 - found level 2 Barracks - KILL ALL BARRELS 

12:20 - cleared out the Barracks level 2, saved the Guard of the Keep, & really starting to wonder if I'm looking in the right Barracks...
12:20 - run #3 is done

Back to Diablo Grinding!

Woohoo! So I'm back on my desktop computer (at last!) & I can start farming Dia things again. To be fair, I can farm on my laptop, too, but I only have a trackpad so... not ideal.

My guests are currently out of the house so I dashed upstairs to get some Diablo 3 in!
Just to refresh, because it's been frickin' forever, here's what I'm farming for:

- Mace of Crows
- Cosmic Wings
- Rainbow Portrait

& I think that's it? If there's anything else you think I should be looking for, let me know!

Saturday, December 24, 2016


Merry Christmas Eve!

I'm on a small break right now since we have company at our house lately, but I should be back up & running fairly soon at the beginning of January. :)

Hopefully Delibird makes some good deliveries tonight!

Keep warm if there's snow (ick!) where you are, & drive safely.

Let's have a wonderful season of giving, sharing, warmth, & happiness to finish 2016 right.

Happy Holidays, (all of them!)
   Midnight Grind

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


My level 50 Type: Null finally decided to evolve & become Silvally! So excited!

Now I just need to replay the game to get another Type: Null so that I can fill the slot for my living dex!

Lend a hand?

I've got a Chinese Kartana on the GTS & I'm just looking for one with an English name, an even swap. Could anyone help out? Please?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Almost.... got it.....

Working on my Type: Null to evolve it into Silvally. ^^ Hopefully I can get it soon.

Monday, December 12, 2016

GOT IT: Kommo-o!

Finally evolved my Hakamo-o into Kommo-o, definitely thinking of keeping it on my team 'cause it just looks so cool, lol. >< I don't think I've ever really had a dragon-type on my team before, except for when I grab one from the PC box or something like that. Still, though, never been a fixture on my team before.

So now I've only got 4 more Pokémon to go before my living Pokédex is complete! ^^

  • Silvally
  • Cosmoem
  • Solgaleo
  • Marshadow

Sunday, December 11, 2016

5 to go!


  • Silvally
  • Kommo-o
  • Cosmoem
  • Solgaleo
  • Marshadow

Living Dex: Update!

Want to follow my progress? Check out #dex in my blog labels. :)

If I had been a good blog-person, I would have chronicled my capture of every Pokémon as it happened, but I am not good blog-person, so no cookies for me. :S

But! Here are the ones I'm missing:

  • Silvally
  • Hakamo-o
  • Kommo-o
  • Cosmoem
  • Solgaleo
  • Marshadow

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Still in Seafolk Village on Poni Island, talk to the guy in the corner of the Pokémon Center, the one to the left of the café. He'll battle you with a level 55 shiny Exeggcute, & then give you SIX Nuggets.

More free stuff!

Free Aerodactyl!

Just go to the Huntail-shaped boat in the Seafolk Village of Poni Island & talk to the woman in the corner.

If you talk to the man with the Pelipper, he'll give you a Magmarizer AND an Electirizer.


Decided to try farming for a Ditto on Route 8 - got it on the 4th try! Hurray!

I remember reading here how hard it was to get one, so I'm really very glad the random encounter gods favored me in this. ^^

Monday, December 5, 2016

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...