Monday, February 27, 2017


I’m moving! As of Sunday, March 5th I'm road-tripping to a temporary residence. Hopefully I'll be able to make updates since I'm planning on taking my Nintendo 3DS & my PS Vita with me, so I should be able to play at least something, lol.

I'll be trying to make a post schedule so that I can post more reliably & rotate through various games so that it's not all in a block like 3 weeks of Diablo 3, 2 days of something else, then another 2 weeks of Diablo 3... etc. I really hope to make it more regular so that it's more fair -- also, this way I don't get bored as easily! :)

So far the games I'm playing are: Diablo 3 & World of Final Fantasy, even though Diablo 3 & I are having a bit of a disagreement. I found out the gems I'm using aren't the "typical" ones & so I'm trying to level up a few & it's just slow-going. ><

So thanks for sticking with me while I make this transition (a 3-4 day road trip with 2 cats who haven't been inside a car for more than 15 minutes at a time... oh joy).

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Season 34 Progress - Happy Valentine's Day!

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