Monday, February 27, 2017


I’m moving! As of Sunday, March 5th I'm road-tripping to a temporary residence. Hopefully I'll be able to make updates since I'm planning on taking my Nintendo 3DS & my PS Vita with me, so I should be able to play at least something, lol.

I'll be trying to make a post schedule so that I can post more reliably & rotate through various games so that it's not all in a block like 3 weeks of Diablo 3, 2 days of something else, then another 2 weeks of Diablo 3... etc. I really hope to make it more regular so that it's more fair -- also, this way I don't get bored as easily! :)

So far the games I'm playing are: Diablo 3 & World of Final Fantasy, even though Diablo 3 & I are having a bit of a disagreement. I found out the gems I'm using aren't the "typical" ones & so I'm trying to level up a few & it's just slow-going. ><

So thanks for sticking with me while I make this transition (a 3-4 day road trip with 2 cats who haven't been inside a car for more than 15 minutes at a time... oh joy).

100 Chests!

Woohoo! Having a lot of fun playing this, & wishing I could fill out more Mirage Boards & things...

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Switch it up!

I am absolutely in love with this office, oh my goodness. <3 I'd take a picture of mine, but... it's drab by comparison so I'll take pictures & things once I get it up to my preferences. ^^

I've wanted a Nintendo Switch ever since I heard about it, so my hands are itching to get one just as soon as I can. (It would certainly be handy on my upcoming car trip, more on that later).

What are your thoughts on the Switch? Want one? Don't want one? Why?

After seeing just how easy it is to set up, I've already put it on my Amazon Wishlist, as well as Zelda: Breath of the Wild & the Skyrim remaster that will be coming out for the Switch some time in December 2017 (if the page I found is correct).

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pokémon Moon Update!

Transferred all my Pokémon to the bank! Now all I have to do is get my Mewnium Z traded to my husband so he can trade it back to me when I remake my game. ^^

  Type: Null

** Also! I caught my first Gen 2 Pokémon today!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

First T10 Grift!

I just finished my first level 45 Greater Rift!

Back when I first started playing, back sometime in 2012, I never thought I'd make it to even Torment 1, & Torment 4? Pfft, nope. Impossible.

But I just tackled a Greater Rift equivalent to Torment 10, which used to be the highest level in the game. I'm so happy & so excited to let my husband know when he comes home tonight.

Maybe someday I'll be able to get to Torment 13. I hope to find out!

Gelatinous Prick....

Doing a normal Nephalem Rift & engaged a Gelatinous Sire. Now, I don't know if you've noticed, or if I've ever mentioned it here, but I hate these things. Especially in the middle of a giant clusterbomb of mobs & things.

But I got 'im this time.

Fresh from the Cube!

So I decided to spend some blood shards on Kadala -- because what else am I going to use them for? -- & I got 3 yellow amulets. Peachy.

Instead of salvaging them, I had enough materials to upgrade them all at Kanai's Cube, so I slap one in the cube & the very first one comes out to be a set amulet, The Traveler's Pledge, & ancient.

Look at this thing.

Isn't it pretty? I haven't had something come up all green in ages, but boom! First try at the cube. So giddy right now, just thought I'd share.

Level 40 Grift

Hey there! I've been working on my Greater Rifts & I just wanted to take a minute to share with you guys my best one yet!

Obviously I'm not a professional gamer or anything like that, just a hobbyist really, but this was a good time for me, especially since lately I've been running level 40 at about 11 or 13 minutes. I can blame density all I want, but in the end I'm just not a top-level player, & that's okay.

I play because it makes me happy & because it's something my husband & I can share in.



Primal Ancients: Thoughts?

What are your thoughts on Primal Ancients? Stupid? Unoriginal? Nifty?

Personally, I would love to see more zones. Maybe a place like Kingsport or the Templar stronghold, something. More places, more story, a full expansion's worth of content. I'd shell out some nice monies for that.

I don't really care about weapon upgrades & stuff like that -- they're nice, but they're not why I play -- so I'm really more of a story kind of girl & I wish they'd do more.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Husband just got [Special Assignment]! He was just running through the bounties, checked into the Plague Tunnels, & boom!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Making some runs!

Running Whimsyshire to check for Sir William. :)

Wish me luck!

The Que-Hegan's Will

I found Nevaz in the Halls of Agony level 3!

. . . apparently I've already picked up The Que-Hegan's Will. >< Great. So I farmed it for nothing. Peachy.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Omg so I was running for Act 3 keywarden & I engaged a Rainbow Goblin without even knowing until after it had escaped. TT.TT

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...