Monday, October 15, 2018


Here's a bare-bones concept I only just began writing it down today. XD

So I really want to start my players out as commoners but I also want to incorporate an amnesia-type factor. Not at the same time, just in the same storyline. I'm working on a way to combine these things, so expect to see more of this over time. ^^

My players don't read my blog, so I really don't have to worry about it too much.

It'll probably be a heavily homebrewed game, which I'm not too thrilled about, but oh well I guess? I have 2 players who pretty much have the Monster Manual and Player's Handbook memorized, so a homebrew game/world will throw them off a bit. I'll have to make some races--which I'm almost looking forward to?--but what I'm really, really looking forward to is watching my players fumble around trying to figure out their stats, muahahaha. That's right, they get blank character sheets and have to figure out their race, class, and other stats. ^^ Inspired by a post I saw online somewhere because why not?

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