Saturday, January 5, 2019

Any other DMs...

Do any other DMs ever get the urge to really spoil your players? Just absolutely spoil them rotten?

I really wish I could provide detailed maps, exciting battle encounters, intriguing political or diplomatic encounters, props, the whole shebang.

Sure, I've made a few props, drawn some maps... but it's not enough for me. I want to do so much more for them, like DwarvenForge battle maps, professional art pieces, personalized minis... yeah, the expensive things.

At the very least, I'm glad I have Dungeon Crate to provide at least some of my wishes. No, this isn't a sponsored post, but I just thought I'd mention them because I've gotten some pretty cool stuff in their boxes. I'll be sure to take pictures of future boxes, because I just like them so much. ^^ Be sure to check them out if you like, though! Only $35 per month for a box full of D&D trinkets.

One day, I'll spoil my players. I'm not sure how or when, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Maybe for the end boss I can get a custom battle map. 

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