Monday, June 24, 2019

Mirror of Manacles 5/?

Caleb found it hard to swallow around the lump in his throat, mouth having gone dry as he watched this ‘Shadowhand’ search the living room. He was methodical, going so far as to use magic while he searched.
He did find it strange, however, that if this Shadowhand was as high-ranking as he seemed, why were people barging into his house at all hours of the night? Did the Kryn not have locks on their doors? Perhaps they were too assured of their own abilities to bother using them? Except, that didn’t seem to be the case.

What to do? He’d prepared and practiced what to say, knew his discovery was inevitable, but after only a—how long had it been? He wasn’t sure.—short time? His mind was racing with possibilities: 1) he could send Frumpkin 2) write on the glass 3) send a message 4) do nothing.
At the thought of sending Frumpkin, Caleb took a reflexive step back from the glass, putting a hand on the cat’s head. What if he put Frumpkin back in the room and the Shadowhand kicked him? It wouldn’t take much for the fey creature to be sent back to its own dimension, and Caleb didn’t have the necessary materials to bring him back. The thought of spending the rest of his life in the mirror without Frumpkin was terrifying, and he did his best to stop from shaking but… failing miserably.
Frumpkin chirped beside him, butting his head against Caleb’s cheek as he began to purr.
Danke, mein Freund. Was denkst du, dass ich machen sollen?
Frumpkin responded by slapping his paw on Caleb’s head, claws grabbing a piece of hair and beginning to chew on it noisily.
Nein! Oh du böse Kind…
Picking Frumpkin up and holding him close to his chest, Caleb turned his attention back to the mirror, hearing a language he didn’t recognize and immediately casting comprehend languages, moving closer to the glass to listen closely.
“I know I saw…where is it? If anyone found out… if Griam had seen it—not that he would have known what it was—but a wizard’s familiar, here? How? Who?”
Caleb grimaced, not even having thought of the trouble his host could have gotten into. If anyone else discovered him or had seen him… what chaos that would have been, for both of them.
Reaching a shaking hand towards the glass, Caleb began to write, hoping the Shadowhand understood common.
Panic had settled into Essek’s chest as he was unable to find the little creature he had seen before, which only made sense if a mage had been doing surveillance on his residence. This, of course, led Essek to wonder what sort of Empire dog had the sheer arrogance to pick his house to spy on.
He would thoroughly enjoy questioning whomever it was. In fact, he would… what was that noise?
Straightening, his ears twitched slightly as he processed the sound, finding it to be grating and fairly unpleasant. Not so bad as nails on a board of slate, but still bothersome.
Temporarily abandoning his search for the animal, he turned slowly to look behind him, wondering what could possibly be making the noise, only to be drawn closer to the mirror, something seeming to shimmer on the glass.
Frowning, he approached it cautiously, bringing a hand up to touch it only to find that it was on the inside of the glass.
What in the…? His brow furrowed further, for as he touched the mirror’s surface, it rippled and formed two words.
Please help.
A/N: Updated early ‘cause I love you guys, thank you so much! If all the German is too much, I can start including translations if you like? Please let me know & feel free to suggest any tags - thank you!

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