Friday, June 28, 2019

Sylverian Dreamer

What do you think, guys? Sign up for 6 months' WoW time to get this thing, pay $25 to get it, or not get it at all?

Just what is Blizzard trying to do? From what I understand, people really don't like the new patch (I haven't looked into it myself) and are saying this is a desperate move on Blizzard's part. This doesn't surprise me, really, after everything they've been doing with firing en masse, partnering up with Activision, and just not listening to their player base in general. Still, there's no way I would pay for 6 months' game time when I could just do $25 and no commitment, you know? I'm not sure if I could be persuaded to play again after all this.

And I don't mean this like, "Uhuhuhu, you're losing me as a customer, whatchu gonna do now?" it's just a statement is all. I just don't like the direction WoW has gone and I'm not sure yet what Diablo 4 may hold, but I'll definitely be researching that soon to put in my two cents.

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