Saturday, June 30, 2018

Season 14 update:

I just wanted to take a second to let you know what’s going on this season, since things are just a little different. 😊

My husband is playing this season with me! That’s right, for the first time in several months – since this blog started? – we are running around Sanctuary together. ^^
I started my Demon Hunter, Eve, on the first day of the season. My husband decided to start a crusader. Four set pieces later, his crusader sucks, so I ask him, “Why don’t you start a demon hunter so you can leech gear from my drops?”

I got him to 70 in less than an hour.

Now, he’s getting better drops than I am and he’s a higher paragon than I am – so proud of his progress!

The problem? The game is becoming so very tedious for me. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but doing the same bounties over and over again, the same rifts, greater rifts… yes, this season I’m gunning for the Champion title, but then there’s more? How much more material farming do I have to do? Acts 1-5, plus Death’s Breath farming? It’s too much for me right now. I finished out the season, got the Slayer achievement, why isn’t that enough? Just more than a little burnt out.

How do you guys handle your burnout? Feel free to leave a comment and I’ll take your suggestions under advisement! ^^

Monday, June 25, 2018

Tournament Bracket

Wrote names on slips of paper, put them in a bag, and drew names to pair up the contestants for the fighting festival!













x x












Saturday, June 23, 2018


I can't even tell you how many Demon Hunters I made before settling on this one. I completed at least 6 before I stuck with her. I'm picky. I went through the starter quests so many times...

Friday, June 22, 2018


Excuse me while I indulge & share in my love for dice, haha.
Also from [Dark Elf Dice]! - $14.95

Only $12.95 from [Dark Elf Dice]

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Welcome to D&D!

I was trying to explain D&D and I wanted to get it down on paper so that it would be easier to reference later. ^^

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Top 10 DM Tips from Skullsplitter Dice

Top Ten Dungeon Master
Tips for Telling an Awesome Story

1. Create Flawed Characters 

Flawed characters are easy to relate to because everyone knows that no one is perfect and they can begin to see themselves or someone they know personally in the characters. Over time, your players will become emotionally attached to the characters and care about their journey


 2. Keep Reminding Players of the Goal 

This will make sure they stay interested in the game and motivate them towards the goal. Goal-reminding will make players emotionally invested in the game and the fate of the characters if they fail to reach the goal. It will also remind them that they’re making progress (regardless of whether it’s slow or fast). 


 3. Take Something Away 

Every good story pulls at the heart strings. Whether it’s the loss of one of their best friends, or an unfortunate incident that takes away an object that they have a close emotional connection with, feelings of overwhelming grief or anger will stick with players. Taking something valuable away will make the campaign more memorable! This loss can empower players to carry on in their spirit!


 4. Never Let an Event Take Too Long 

 Don’t be afraid to speed up an event if it seems like the players are getting too into engulfed in a side-quest - after all, you are the DM and you have the power! There’s nothing wrong with shortening that journey into a series of smaller events, or you can provide a short summary of that part of the quest to stay on track and move towards the next key event. 


 5. Keep Your Characters Close and Villains Closer 

 A key to creating a quality villain is to make sure that they have a close relationship with one or more characters in your campaign. Remember that the most hated villains are the ones who appeared to be good in the beginning, but then unexpectedly betray those closest to them.


 6. Only Practice Makes Progress 

 The more time you spend at the table as a DM, the more comfortable you’ll feel telling stories and you will eventually develop your own unique style of storytelling. While you can learn some useful Dungeon Master tips from other experienced DMs and many long rule books, they can’t fully prepare you for the challenge of successfully executing all these top Dungeon Master story telling tips. So, keep this cheat sheet close by the table, and get practicing! 


 7. Chekhov’s Gun 

Remember that no player wants to feel like a passive observer. Every player is important and a key to a good player experience is having them feel that everything they do and everything that they are told will have a significant impact on the story. It is crucial that you only describe objects, situations, NPCs, or other details that will serve a purpose throughout the game. 


 8. Random Encounters 

Never underestimate the power of a seemingly random encounter in your campaign! Not every encounter has to advance the plot directly or help players reach the goal. Use these ‘random’ encounters (such as epic battles) to let your players explore their characters, the imaginary world or feel they are in constant state of change or danger. 


 9. Show the Story

 Don’t ruin the fun by flat out telling your players that that they are travelling through a dark, petrifying cavern; instead make them work for it by describing how their torches have gone out because of the strong winds from the unforgiving storm, allow them to trip on dozens of bodies, and feel the searing pain from an orc warrior ambushing with a sword slicing through their shoulder blade. Always appeal to the players’ sense of sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound when narrating and remember this quote by writer and gamer Matthew Charles: 


10. Be Flexible 

Finally, no player should feel pressured or bored because they must follow every detail of the DM’s plot. Stay open and adapt to the players’ ideas and reactions so they feel free to explore and get in touch with the imaginative characters and the setting. Keep these Dungeon Master tips in mind, every campaign will be a unique, and exciting learning experience where everyone can have more fun along the journey. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Torment X

Tried my first TX Nephalem Rift today.


Didn't do so great, haha. Definitely need to gear up a bit more. ^^;

Monday, June 18, 2018

Season Journey Complete!

Here we go! This is the fastest I've ever completed a season before, so... yay!


Chapter IV Season 14 progression:
  1. Rift and Roll
  2. Exquisiteness
  3. Key Decisions
  4. Key Wee
  5. Keeping it Low Key
  6. The Key to Success
  7. Lord of Sin
  8. Into the Past
  9. Great Expectations
  10. Another Man's Treasure
  11. Let's Get Started
  12. Just Look at You!

Festival Participants

I've arranged a tribute to Kord in the form of a fighting festival! I figured that, since one of my players just wants to attack/kill things, he'd be a fantastic champion of Kord, er, maybe? Cheers for trying?

Only 2 of these are actually player characters (PCs), Largo & K'sagsoda; all the rest of them are NPCs aka me, lol.

Name Race Class
Allura Vord Aasimar Bard
Amara Durthan Mountain Dwarf Monk
Ashlyn Farsarrow Human Monk
Eve Valwynn High Elf Ranger
Faye Ironstorm Forest Gnome Paladin
Jeren Berug Rock Gnome Fighter
Julius de Rolo Human Gunslinger
K’sagsoda Aarakocra Ranger
Kaia the Ruthless Valkyrie Barbarian
Kaslos Aarakocra Wizard
Kruosk the Disgraced Half Orc Fighter
Largo Denison Goliath Barbarian
Mere Air Genasi Warlock
Mozeth Dardendrian Dragonborn Barbarian
Ravoxan Imrean Dragonborn Sorceror
Sari Imahna Wood Elf Druid
Uilleam MacRieve Werewolf Blood Hunter

Eve - 70

Chapter IV Season 14 progression:
  1. Rift and Roll
  2. Exquisiteness
  3. Key Decisions
  4. Key Wee
  5. Keeping it Low Key
  6. The Key to Success
  7. Lord of Sin
  8. Into the Past
  9. Great Expectations
  10. Another Man's Treasure
  11. Let's Get Started
  12. Just Look at You! (4/5 recipes)

Eve - 66

Level 66! Loving these double goblins this season :3

Saturday, June 16, 2018


My husband and I have a habit of starting characters and questing together, you know, like you do... and this is one of them! Hyoue and Cruentare go together, so I won't level her without him. Stuck at 60 until further notice.

Festival Schedule (handwritten)

straight from my personal journal

Festival Schedule

Day Event
1 Opening ceremony, feast
2 Arena I
3 Pie-Eating Contest
4 Arena II
5 Archery Contest
6 Arm Wrestling
7 Arena III, Closing ceremony, feast


1 day in festival = 10 days normal realm

Invitation of Kord


I made a thing! This is an invitation I worked out to give to my players. I printed it out on some cream-colored card stock, used a glue stick to adhere it to cardboard, but! I removed a small layer of cardboard to hide a plastic pirate’s coin inside so that it’s still light & my players won’t ever suspect there’s an actual “kor” inside of it. ^^
So when they get to the entry gate, the NPC will be like, “I require 1 kor coin, please,” *players roleplay handing me a coin* “do not make me call security.”
More pictures to come if I can manage! ^^

Thursday, June 14, 2018


I have 21 NPCs -- with full character sheets & everything -- just sitting around waiting to be (ab)used.

Hopefully the husband, roommate and I can hang out this weekend to finish out this little one-shot we started. It'd be nice just to see it end and have some closure rather than feeling like I'm pestering them into playing with me. XD

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Zandalari Warbringer

OMG so I was farming Ghost Iron & I saw the Zandalari Warbringer so I thought, “Might as well kill it for funsies,” &… & guys…

[Reins of the Amber Primordial Direhorn]

RE: Argent Tournament Mounts

Great Red Elekk5005
Swift Violet Ram5005
Swift Gray Steed5005
Stormwind Steed
Ironforge Ram
Gnomeragan Mechanostrider
Exodar Elekk
Argent Warhorse
Argent Hippogryph
Silver Covenant Hippogryph
Quel’dorei Steed


20 D&D Asks

1. What was the first race you ever played as?
   Haven't played yet, but when I played Pathfinder I was a Tiefling.
2. What was the first class you ever played as?
   Played a Witch in Pathfinder - haven't played yet, but hoping to!
3. Have you ever been dungeon master?
4. How many times have you been dungeon master?
5. What is your favorite race?
6. What is your favorite class?
   I don't know, but I really want to try cleric.
7. When was the last time you played d&d?
   I last DMed a couple months ago. It's been a while. :(
8. Do you prefer theater of the mind or minis and grids?
   Minis & grids.
9. What is the funniest thing anyone has ever said in a d&d session you’ve played in?
   "I'm going to use the crocodile's ribs & sinew to make a bowl... a 'croc' pot,"
10. What is the most annoying thing that has happened during a d&d session you’ve played in?
   Playing with 2 players & 1 of them only wants to kill things.
11. What is your favorite edition of d&d?
   I've only played 5e.
12. What is your favorite 5e book?
   I don't know! :)
13. How many d&d characters have you made?
14. What is the longest d&d campaign you have ever been part of?
   I DMed a campaign that lasted 2 months?
15. What is your favorite weapon?
   Great axe 
16. What is your favorite spell?
   Inflict Wounds
17. What is your favorite armor?
18. What level do you usually start your players at?
19.What level do you as a player prefer to start as?
   One. It may suck to restart every time, but it gives me time to learn. ^^
20. Do you like to play in big or small groups?
   I'm uncomfortable in big groups, but a group of 4-6 could be fun. 

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...