Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
4hr CoS
Strahd Must Die Tonight!
by: James Heck
Have you had your annual Halloween playthrough of Ravenloft yet? It's one of my favorite Halloween traditions (even if finagling schedules around a holiday can be a pain in the butt). If you haven’t ever had a D&D Halloween mega-party and battled your way through the halls of the Castle Ravenloft with the sole objective of destroying Count Strahd von Zarovich, then you need to wrangle your friends and try it this week! (If you can’t meet until after Halloween and want to do this in early November instead, that’s fine. It’s still fun, even if it loses a little bit of Halloween energy.)
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by: James Heck
Have you had your annual Halloween playthrough of Ravenloft yet? It's one of my favorite Halloween traditions (even if finagling schedules around a holiday can be a pain in the butt). If you haven’t ever had a D&D Halloween mega-party and battled your way through the halls of the Castle Ravenloft with the sole objective of destroying Count Strahd von Zarovich, then you need to wrangle your friends and try it this week! (If you can’t meet until after Halloween and want to do this in early November instead, that’s fine. It’s still fun, even if it loses a little bit of Halloween energy.)
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Saturday, October 27, 2018
plan thus far
Tasks for my players to achieve:
- come together as a group & stop being jerks to each other (I'm dreaming, I know)
- fight 2 more trolls, get crests
- save Dax
- solve the temple puzzle
- enter the temple
- fight through the temple, get to the "boss" fight
- level 5!
- get back to town
- inherit a church maybe?
- Festival of Kord!
After which, of course, even more adventures await. . .
Still, it's taken them about 2 months to get just this far, so maybe we'll finish this list by New Year's?
Friday, October 26, 2018
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Pythagorean Pun
Pythagorean Pun
There were once 3 kingdoms that bordered the same
lake. In the middle of the lake there was an island, and the 3 kingdoms had
been fighting over it for years. No one seemed to be able to keep the upper
hand for very long and no one had been victorious. The wars over this little
island were very costly, but all 3 kingdoms wanted it because legend had it
that a great and powerful weapon was hidden there.
Finally, the monarchs agreed to a way to settle
the matter permanently. Each would send their knights and squires to the island
and fight until a victor emerged. Whoever’s knights and squires won the day
would keep the island forever.
One kingdom sent many knights and each knight had
a few squires. The night before the battle, the knights polished their armor while
the squires readied the weapons. When the armor was finished, the knights sat
around the fire drinking.
The second kingdom sent more knights than the
first and each knight had several squires. The night before the battle, the
knights drank around the fire while the squires scurried about polishing armor
and readying weapons.
The third kingdom only sent one knight and he had
only one squire. While the squire polished armor and readied the weapons, the
knight hung a single pot from the tallest branch of the tree and tied a rope
with a loop at the end from another branch. Then the knight sat by the fire and
drank while the squire kept working.
The fateful day came and all the squires came out
to the battlefield. (The knights had stayed up too long drinking). The battle
was fierce. In the end, only the lone squire from the third kingdom was left
standing. Proving once again, the age-old theorem:
squire of the high pot and noose is equal
the sum of the squires of the other two sides.
I'm using this as a riddle in my campaign. ^^ Three kings from three kingdoms, all turned into trolls. My players have already killed one of the trolls and retrieved a crest, and conversations have hinted at the other two remaining trolls. So that's what they're up to this Thursday! ^^
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
That's right, guys, two years ago today I made my first post to Midnight Grind!
I want to thank you all for hanging out with and supporting a housewife in her quest to record her attempts to help her (very busy) husband to unlock various achievements, mounts, pets, etc. Put in a lot of hours in Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft for sure, but definitely hoping to branch out some more if I can. ^^
There's been a lot of Dungeons and Dragons here lately, and I have to be honest there's probably going to be a lot more, especially with my having discontinued my World of Warcraft subscription.
All in all, thanks for coming on this ride. 😄
There's been a lot of Dungeons and Dragons here lately, and I have to be honest there's probably going to be a lot more, especially with my having discontinued my World of Warcraft subscription.
All in all, thanks for coming on this ride. 😄
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Friday, October 19, 2018
[unintelligible screaming]
my mom is going to try D&D tomorrow
She’s a Tiefling Sorcerer & when asked how long she would like sessions to be, her answer was, “Let’s try a half hour,”
So I (the DM) have 30 minutes, what’s a good hook?
Thursday, October 18, 2018
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The typical strategy of a hunting kamadan was to use its sleeping gas breath weapon to knock its prey unconscious before moving for the kill. The snakes also possessed a powerful poison with their bites.
Kamadans hunted either alone or in mated pairs.
Some sages claimed that kamadans were related to displacer beasts, although most recognized that the similarities between them were coincidental and the creatures were unrelated. Kamadans were also known to despise displacer beasts and to attack them on sight.
A close relative of the kamadan was the kamatlan, a similar creature that was native to Maztica.
Shagambi, one of the Nine Trickster Gods of Chult, was a wise and virtuous kamadan.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Monday, October 15, 2018
Here's a bare-bones concept I only just began writing it down today. XD
So I really want to start my players out as commoners but I also want to incorporate an amnesia-type factor. Not at the same time, just in the same storyline. I'm working on a way to combine these things, so expect to see more of this over time. ^^
My players don't read my blog, so I really don't have to worry about it too much.
It'll probably be a heavily homebrewed game, which I'm not too thrilled about, but oh well I guess? I have 2 players who pretty much have the Monster Manual and Player's Handbook memorized, so a homebrew game/world will throw them off a bit. I'll have to make some races--which I'm almost looking forward to?--but what I'm really, really looking forward to is watching my players fumble around trying to figure out their stats, muahahaha. That's right, they get blank character sheets and have to figure out their race, class, and other stats. ^^ Inspired by a post I saw online somewhere because why not?
So I really want to start my players out as commoners but I also want to incorporate an amnesia-type factor. Not at the same time, just in the same storyline. I'm working on a way to combine these things, so expect to see more of this over time. ^^
My players don't read my blog, so I really don't have to worry about it too much.
It'll probably be a heavily homebrewed game, which I'm not too thrilled about, but oh well I guess? I have 2 players who pretty much have the Monster Manual and Player's Handbook memorized, so a homebrew game/world will throw them off a bit. I'll have to make some races--which I'm almost looking forward to?--but what I'm really, really looking forward to is watching my players fumble around trying to figure out their stats, muahahaha. That's right, they get blank character sheets and have to figure out their race, class, and other stats. ^^ Inspired by a post I saw online somewhere because why not?
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
Dice Collection
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
in case you need help!
In case anyone else is stuck on the Trial of the Sword in Master Mode, here’s a great video on how to get past level 10 on the beginner set.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Hey guys! Me again, here with another question, lol.
I’m currently playing in a second game over on Discord as a Yuan-Ti Pureblood grave domain cleric of the Raven Queen. Quite the mouthful, I know, but I’m having some trouble coming up with 1) reasons she’s adventuring 2) where she was before all of this 3) how did she find out about the Raven Queen and just general basic character building things? It really seems like she isn’t speaking to me right now. :(
Her name is Nahuatl and I’m trying so hard to break her out of his demure mold she’s made for herself. She was “killed” and buried by some pirates, but she crawled her way out of the grave and was discovered by said pirates. The party managed to free her, so she feels a great debt to them and has promised to help them as best she can, but I’m a little stuck. :(
She has a sort of Aztec/Mayan feel to her from what the DM has described of the world. She is also tanned skin with hints of green, small groupings of scales on her body, forked tongue, slitted eyes… & she loves eggs (though I’m not sure if she’s ever had them yet).
Thank you all so much for your help, I greatly appreciate all your input!
~ Morwyn
Blinda build
Just in case anyone was wondering, [this] is the build I'm trying to make for my Season 15 Barbarian, Blinda. ^^ Many thanks to Rhykker @ YouTube for suggesting this build - definitely makes for one of my favorite barbarians yet! ^^
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Handbooker Helper: Barbarian
Some day I hope to play one of every class--not subclass, goodness no!--but one of the 12 core classes. When the day comes for me to play a barbarian, I hope to have one as amazing as Grog Strongjaw. 💖
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Moo? 🐮
I found a party in the Not-the-Cow-Level level! #Diablo 3 #not the cow level #Season 15 #seasons #barbarian #Blinda party!#moo
Monday, October 1, 2018
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Season 34 Progress - Happy Valentine's Day!
This is mostly going to be a photo dump of all my various progress through Season 34, so apologies in advance! It's been a wild few days...

Common wisdom holds that false hydras come from the ground. They spontaneously originate as undifferentiated masses of flesh. Potatoes that...