Friday, November 30, 2018
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Fly, Eevee!
One of the things that's really weird for me (as someone who played the original games back in the 90s) is how easily and quickly you can acquire all former HM moves. You don't even need a specific poke to be your little HM mule anymore, your partner just learns them for you.
I'm not saying it's good or bad, just different is all.
I'm not saying it's good or bad, just different is all.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Monday, November 26, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Because sometimes a fully-grown man needs to battle a child to prove himself? Giovanni, you have issues. Talk to someone.
(also my Eevee will kick your butt)
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Let's-a Go!
So I've been playing Let's Go Eevee and I have to say that it's, uh.... it's certainly different than what I was expecting.
I'm not going to sit here and prattle on about, "Back in my day, Pokémon was...." no. Times change, things change, I can accept that.
The name, I think, should have clued me in a little? But I turned on the game, immediately got hit by that first (of many) waves of nostalgia, and then I go through the tutorial on how to catch Pokémon and it's... that's the part that threw me, really. Using your controller to throw PokéBalls? Great, yes.
But not battling it first?
In some ways I appreciate it, because there's no longer that extra time spent whittling it down to low health, accidentally fainting it, having to run around and find another one... I know it got boring, but that in itself was fun for me, somehow. At least the catching of the Pokémon grants experience, and I love that I can just look in the grass to see what's available. I don't even mind that the wild Pokémon come up on the road sometimes, I think it's great.
I've written several reasons why I don't like Pokémon Go, but I still play it, because it's fun and it's silly. I'm just not sure that a fusion between Pokémon Go and a console Pokémon game was the way to go?
Speaking of which, the Go Park. Listen here Nintendo, I worked hard to catch all those Pokémon out in the wilds of real life; why do I have to catch them again in the Go Park? Do you know how many PokéBalls I've gone through to catch Pokémon that are already mine? Please fix that. Please.
Boy did Mount Moon bring back some memories though. . . :)
I'm not going to sit here and prattle on about, "Back in my day, Pokémon was...." no. Times change, things change, I can accept that.
The name, I think, should have clued me in a little? But I turned on the game, immediately got hit by that first (of many) waves of nostalgia, and then I go through the tutorial on how to catch Pokémon and it's... that's the part that threw me, really. Using your controller to throw PokéBalls? Great, yes.
But not battling it first?
In some ways I appreciate it, because there's no longer that extra time spent whittling it down to low health, accidentally fainting it, having to run around and find another one... I know it got boring, but that in itself was fun for me, somehow. At least the catching of the Pokémon grants experience, and I love that I can just look in the grass to see what's available. I don't even mind that the wild Pokémon come up on the road sometimes, I think it's great.
I've written several reasons why I don't like Pokémon Go, but I still play it, because it's fun and it's silly. I'm just not sure that a fusion between Pokémon Go and a console Pokémon game was the way to go?
Speaking of which, the Go Park. Listen here Nintendo, I worked hard to catch all those Pokémon out in the wilds of real life; why do I have to catch them again in the Go Park? Do you know how many PokéBalls I've gone through to catch Pokémon that are already mine? Please fix that. Please.
Boy did Mount Moon bring back some memories though. . . :)
Friday, November 23, 2018
re: Mom's 1st D&D
re: my mom’s character Makaria is in a coffin
me: “Did you want to make a strength check?”
mom: “… yes.”
me: “Roll for it. Then remember to subtract 1 because your strength is a 9.”
mom: “14!”
me: “You push the coffin lid and it snaps in half. Thank goodness you hadn’t been buried yet.”
mom: -.-
Mom's 1st D&D
Am I in a coffin?! Did you put me in a coffin?!
my mom, not even 5 minutes into the adventure I wrote for her
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Tower of Holding
If you haven't checked out the Tower of Holding over on Kickstarter, I highly recommend you check it out. ^^
The Tower of Holding It started with a simple deck box that we converted into a dice tower. After testing and hearing back from fellow adventurers, we added in a dice tray so that the dice would remain on the table and not roll onto the floor. We then got a hold of a 3D printer and included components like storage space for cards & figures and counters for hit points & spell slots. It became a passion as we developed the Tower formula: Roll, Track, Store & Go.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
I found one!
. . . now I just have to evolve it
time to transfer it to Let's Go Eevee & just level up!
. . . now I just have to evolve it
time to transfer it to Let's Go Eevee & just level up!
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
happy writers
I hear a lot of people bitching that they can’t leave kudos multiple times per story, or can’t leave kudos on every chapter, or whatever.
Well, take a page out of this marvelous book, because I swear I’ve never been so happy to receive kudos as waking up to multiple people having done this on multiple chapters on a story I just posted.
The bar just got raised, folks.
- @kedreeva
from [this] Tumblr post
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
from [this] post on Tumblr:
For everyone who has inevitably asked:
“Why don’t writers have Patreons?” / “Why don’t authors do commissions for their work”
No one supports them.
When the BNF Authors barely get a handful of Patreons for the smallest pledge available, when the BNF can’t sell their work, there is absolutely no hope of the rest of us doing so.
Go to your favorite author’s Tumblr’s, go to their profile pages, LOOK for those pledge buttons, buy them a coffee, leave a donation, or commission a piece of work. Normalise it. If your favorite doesn’t have a donate button, suggest it to them and then actually follow through and pledge.
You guys* are the ones that need to get the ball rolling.
(*everyone who said they would support an author’s Patreon or donate)
- @emotionalmorphine
Mmm yes. Even when you do have a coffee/tips button/thingy people are shy to use it. Which then makes me feel insignificant and a little upset - like my writing literally isn’t worth a cup of coffee? Eh, it is what it is - just you know, why am I creating fan content if no one wants/appreciates it?
- @elenilote
If you support artists financially and don’t support writers, it’s clear where you think the skill lies.
Don’t @ me with the same boring arguments about why art is easier to consume as a visual medium. Supporting a content creator has nothing to do with ease of access to their work. It’s about who you feel deserves your hard earned money and precious time for the art they produce.
“Anyone can write,” they say. “It’s just words.” Undervalued, underpaid, criticised, harassed - people demand our work for free, and turn on us if we ask for compensation. Writers cop so much flak for daring to ask for compensation for our work. It’s glaringly obvious how many people think about our skillset.
They aren’t “just words”. And if they mean anything to you, then support us, too!
- @emotionalmorphine
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Saturday, November 10, 2018
re: plan thus far
Tasks for my players to achieve:
My players have killed the Swamp Troll and Cave Troll; they still have the Frost Troll, however, located on Mount Kibo, the unforgiving mountain to the north complete with ice, snow, steep cliffs, and more!
I'm eager to see if they will be able to pull together to save their friend, Dax, from the horrible fate that awaits him.
Will he be saved? Will Father Orren get his ward back?
With this group? Unlikely. Poor kid is going to die. I can just feel it.
- come together as a group & stop being jerks to each other (I'm dreaming, I know)
- fight
21 more trolls, get crests - save Dax
- solve the temple puzzle
- enter the temple
- fight through the temple, get to the "boss" fight
level 5!- get back to town
- inherit a church maybe?
- Festival of Kord!
![]() |
art from, Ultimate Bestiary Revenge of the Horde |
I'm eager to see if they will be able to pull together to save their friend, Dax, from the horrible fate that awaits him.
Will he be saved? Will Father Orren get his ward back?
With this group? Unlikely. Poor kid is going to die. I can just feel it.
Friday, November 9, 2018
All right, going to try my hand at homebrewing yet another weapon! My creations thus far are:
My player asked for something like this: "So maybe it has a base form that’s just a normal +whatever shortsword but then I can use a bonus action to release its second stage and it does something badass for so many rounds and then when I reach a certain level it gains an ability to do a full release for a full action that’s just a like once a day thing that just ends someone’s day"
So I'm thinking of some sort of watered down vestige-type deal. My player was heavily inspired by the manga Bleach, so hopefully not too bad.
Lullaby, Maelstrom, Rainbow Roulette
My player asked for something like this: "So maybe it has a base form that’s just a normal +whatever shortsword but then I can use a bonus action to release its second stage and it does something badass for so many rounds and then when I reach a certain level it gains an ability to do a full release for a full action that’s just a like once a day thing that just ends someone’s day"
So I'm thinking of some sort of watered down vestige-type deal. My player was heavily inspired by the manga Bleach, so hopefully not too bad.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
False Hydra stats
Common wisdom holds that false hydras come from the ground. They spontaneously originate as undifferentiated masses of flesh. Potatoes that sprout from no seed. Supposedly, they germinate in response to lies, and that each falsehood causes a false hydra to swell larger.
Scholars agree, because they have no better idea. In fact, so much about these abominations boggles the mind that scholars really don't know where to begin.
Paranoia dominates any discussion about it. Everyone wants to know: Is it here? Is it in my town? Is that long, flaccid face watching me through the window even now?
>> Article <<
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
False Hydra 2
If you missed my original False Hydra post you can find it here. Many of you asked for a followup, so here it is!
So I genuinely think I nailed the last session and was super excited to run this one, HOWEVER the latest session did not end at all like I thought it would. I assumed it would be more fact finding, which is what happened. But they also ended up burning down the entire town.
Here’s what happened.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
False Hydra 1
First of all, this is the False Hydra. In a nutshell, it's The Silence from Doctor Who except if it eats you everyone forgets you ever existed.
I’ve been plotting to run a False Hydra for months. And I implore you; if you’re planning on running one don’t just throw it at your players with a few sessions prep. Take your time, plan things and the payoff will be substantial.
Here’s how I ran my False Hydra; I plant Seeds.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
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Season 34 Progress - Happy Valentine's Day!
This is mostly going to be a photo dump of all my various progress through Season 34, so apologies in advance! It's been a wild few days...

Common wisdom holds that false hydras come from the ground. They spontaneously originate as undifferentiated masses of flesh. Potatoes that...