Monday, December 24, 2018

[The Hivemind] mount

If anyone has the urge to get this thing, I have the green monocle and am searching for 3 people who have the red, blue, and yellow monocles to help unlock this mount, The Hivemind.

I tried last night to get the red monocle, was on the last few steps to getting it, but had to logoff. I figured that time didn't pass in game while I had exited the client, so I didn't see a problem. Went out to run errands, took a while. Came back and...

Currencies gone. I had spent 2,600 gold--which, if you remember, it's really hard for me to make gold in this game--so I sent in a support ticket to ask if I could 1) have my currencies back or 2) get my money back. I attempted to reason that, time did not pass for my Crystal of Insanity so why should it count against the seashell currencies? My thoughts? It shouldn't. If it doesn't count for one, it shouldn't count for the other, or else it should pass for both. Hopefully I'm not denied outright.

So! If anyone has the other monocles and would like to group up to get this mount together, I'm more than happy to come along! ^^

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