Friday, October 11, 2019


Hey guys, sorry for the absence(s) - I'll be back to posting soon! :)

Monday, September 30, 2019


I cannot believe that tomorrow starts October. ðŸŽƒ

Still hoping to run the Dragon of Icespire Peak oneshot on the 26th, so here's hoping we can get the house cleaned up and the dog to stop biting by then... (Wish us luck!)

I only know 1 character who will be joining the oneshot for certain, still waiting to hear back from the rest.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Update: Path to Affiliate

We stream Monday-Friday 5-7pm & Saturday 6-9pm. Send a note in chat & we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Every follow is appreciated & reciprocated!
We need 31 followers & 5 people chatting at the same time in order to take our next steps towards affiliate!
We’re doing our best! ^^ So grab your goldfish & come join the Tyrant’s Lair for fun & games. ^^

Saturday, September 28, 2019

D&D Character List Updated

Children of Edenhiatus
Carrow Eastwick3HumanWizard
White Wings, Black Skiesongoing
K’myr Adala18TieflingClericTrickeryFallen Heroesended

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Oh no! Both my Wednesday and Sunday D&D games were cancelled this week. TT.TT

Well, time to spend way too much time on character information and backstory!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Stream Summary

We’re doing our best to put our good, quality content via twitch, mixer, & YouTube - come stop by Monday-Friday for a silent stream or on Saturdays for silly commentary!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

channel art

Updating channel art for beholderfartz and just thought I'd share it here ^^ Also! You can find us at the following links:



I'll be updating the YouTube channel art as best I can, as well as any other little projects that I can get my hands on. I'd love to have a channel icon and some customized bits (stream emojis, badges, banners, panels, etc) alas! I make them myself. ^^; Wish me luck!

Monday, September 23, 2019


Hello everyone! I just wanted to take a quick minute to remind you that I, as well as my husband and our friend, have a streaming channel. I am happy to present: beholderfartz!

I play during the week while my husband and our friend play on Saturdays. I'm working on getting audio for the weekday stream but the Saturday stream has both of them plugged in with their headsets for good times and, um... weirdness? But all in good fun!

Come catch us live Monday-Friday 5-7pm, Saturday 6-9pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Come hang out with us!

Facebook / Instagram / Mixer / Tumblr / Twitter

*~ Join Our Discord ~*

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Season 18

Season of the Triune

Season 18 introduced the Season of the Triune, a call-back to an ancient cult forged over three millennia ago by the Prime Evils of the Burning Hells. Masquerading as three benevolent deities dedicated to Determination, Creation, and Love, the Prime Evils sought to infiltrate the hearts of men in a bid to tilt the odds in their favor in the ongoing Eternal Conflict. Ultimately defeated by Uldyssian during the Sin War, the remnants of the Cult of the Triune still operate today as the more well-known Coven, whom continue the work of Adria and Magdha even after their deaths.

For the duration of Season 18, all players will benefit from the Power of the Triune buff, which will periodically summon circles around the battlefield that provide one of three random buffs:

  • Triune of Love (Power): Players in the circle receive a 100% damage bonus while active
  • Triune of Determination (Resource Reduction): Players in the circle receive a 50% discount on resources spent while active
  • Triune of Creation (Cooldown Reduction): While standing in an active circle, any skills currently on cooldown come off of cooldown more quickly


You know, I have to admit I'm not really liking this season a whole heck of a lot. I'm not seeing any rhyme or reason to where the circles appear and it's pretty hard to get in the right spot before they disappear.

Maybe it's just me, though--I mean, I'm not exactly the most skilled when it comes to video games--I'd really love to see a Season of Rainbows: something to the effect of increased rainbow goblins or multiple instances of Whimsydale available per game file. Would make for a great Pride Month season for June next year...

Heck, they added those new zones in Rise of the Necromancer, but there's no story behind it, just, "Here, have some new places,". I wouldn't mind having an Act 6 to go through that linked the necromancer to the rest of the lore/story.

What do you guys think? What seasons or other Diablo 3 related things would you like to see added to the game?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

road trip!

easiest car ride <3
We picked up our 9 week old Caucasian Shepherd this weekend! She's so fluffy and very well-mannered... so far! :)

I've only ever raised 1 puppy before and here's hoping this one is easier to teach. ^^

Padushka is coming home!

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Some of you may have seen my addition to this post regarding our little girl, Padushka - well I have great news: Padu is coming home as early as next week!
We’ve been steadily puppy-proofing our home but now is the time to really check & triple check everything. After 7 long years of research, saving funds, hard work… she’s finally coming home and we’re so happy.
Pictures to come soon!
We'll be going to get her on September 19th!
(this was her at 3 weeks - she’ll be 9 weeks when she comes home!)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dungeons & Dragons & Dinner!

I have been asked to run a one-shot! A good friend of my husband’s surprised us by asking if I would mind DMing for he, his girlfriend, & two of his other friends. Well, I couldn’t say no so I will be running Dragon of Icespire Peak from the D&D Essentials Kit. I’ll get them from 1-7 & if they really want to keep playing, well, there are 3 other continuation modules that will get them to level 13. (Storm Lord’s WrathSleeping Dragon’s Wake, & Divine Contention)
So I quickly slapped this invitation together (sorry for all the redacted bits!) using Canva (it’s free!) & I’m really happy with the result. I mean, I only tweaked like, 4 things & it’s so beautiful. ^^
Not sure what I’m going to cook for dinner that night, but we’re hoping for some spooky treats, snacks, drinks, & more!

Barbara Poelle

Monday, September 9, 2019


That's right: we're on YouTube now, too!

Also: we have a streaming schedule!

Monday-Friday 11am EST - Diablo 3
Saturday 6pm EST - Borderlands 2

Which game is played on Saturday is heavily dependent on what Invictus & Inflicda feel like playing, but do expect Borderlands 3 to be played once it comes out.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Writing Advice

This is actually some really good advice.

Now if only I could put it to use.... 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


My last 2 brain cells as I’m trying to sketch out future chapters of Mirror of Manacles… TT.TT

Monday, September 2, 2019

Choose your adventure...

These Maps Reveal the Hidden Structures of ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Books

If you decide to see more, click on this story.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Wax Etiquette

I did not know this before I wrote chapter 12 of Mirror of Manacles… oops.

Oh well, I'm not changing it, it fits...sort of.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Streaming. . .

Beholderfartz Presents: Borderlands 2
When: 6pm est (check here to see when that is for you)

Hey guys! My husband, a friend and I have a streaming channel that we’re just getting off the ground. It’s just a silly little thing we put together (obviously, with a name like beholderfartz) but we do hope you’ll join us tonight as we launch our first ever gaming session via stream.
Come join our family play and be silly! If you like our content, please follow and/or subscribe!
From our family to yours, welcome!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Journal: Carrow #001

[day 1]
It’s late, and I find myself in a strange outpost. A nice woman let me in, and I followed her to lodgings. There are many strange people here, but at least they’re asleep right now.
Maybe tomorrow I can find out more about this place.
[days 2 & 3?]
The woman from last night and I were confronted by a guard and pushed towards a large gathering of people—I think they were calling us trainees?—it’s been a while and I can’t remember. We were given a scrap of paper with markings on it.
I remember recognizing them as tracks, of something I’d seen before on the mountain, but I just couldn’t remember what it was.
And then we met a dark-skinned elf (Malekith) and a half orc (Ootugur). A kind tabaxi (Emir) joined us soon after. The woman I had met the night before told us her name was Din, and despite not having any instructions on what to do with this piece of paper we had been given, we decided to go into the woods and hunt whatever creature they belonged to.
I don’t think I’ve hidden so much in my life. So much for putting on a brave face, I guess. I failed my ceremony and now I’m failing myself.
I shouldn’t have left home.
[day 4]
An ankheg. We were sent to find an ankheg. Did we have to fight it? I don’t know, but we did. I mean, Din got swallowed by the ground and this… this thing just busts out of nowhere. We got some good hits on it (I was hiding again, but even I hit it).
After we defeated it, it turned into a man. He gave us a box and told us to go straight back to the outpost, but Emir got sidetracked and attacked by some birds, I think? Then we found kobolds and I just couldn’t bring myself to attack them; we’d stumbled on them by mistake, we didn’t mean any harm. We were supposed to be going back to the outpost anyway, so we shouldn’t have even been there.
We were each given pins that must correspond to something, maybe this time we’ll get explanations about all of this. I have a feather quill, a kite shield, and a crescent moon, all bronze and not terribly large.
The sword pin represents the Vanguards, who are trained in more traditionally knightly things. They specialize in dealing damage and are generally taught to make decisions under extreme duress. Seeker Lavinia is a Vanguard.
The quill pin represents the Keepers. They are the custodians of knowledge in the guild. They are taught how to problem solve and be creative. They are usually magically gifted, but anyone with a thirst for knowledge and an aptitude for creativity is welcome.
The kite shield represents the Towers. They are trained to be fearless bulwarks, to protect their allies at any cost. They are the first and last line of defense between monsters and civilization.
The crescent moon represents the Menders. They are trained in the healing arts, though not all menders need to be Clerics. Healing arts include magic, but also psychological healing. The most important thing for menders is the ability to create a space to facilitate any kind of healing.
I’m tired of hiding, tired of being shielded by everyone else. I left home because Grandma and Mom and everyone refused to see me. Now, everyone’s going to see me.
part #000 here

Happy 1,000 posts!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gift for my husband!

Hey guys, quick question! I want to get my husband a custom xbox controller faceplate but I can’t find where to get it? I’ve seen SkinIt but that’s a vinyl sticker & I was hoping for just the faceplate itself if that’s possible?
I appreciate any & all help - thank you in advance!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

chapter 12 finished!

Chapter 12 is now posted! Finished it with 1,286 words and I think it's cute. ^^ Excerpt below:

chapter 12 update

1,155 words on chapter 12 so far! So far from done TT.TT


Going to really try to get chapter 12 finished for you guys today! Over 800 words on it right now and I hope to finish it soon. :)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

chapter 12 excerpt

I'm working on it!
"[...] Secondly, the clothes I gave you are meant to be worn and I would very much like my towel back.”

Monday, August 19, 2019

Writing Prompt #006

A prompt for you Widomauk writers!

So I saw this post & I had to jump on it immediately - I’m already in the middle of a fanfic & don’t feel comfortable jumping into another one without finishing the first one, but here we go:
Molly never got to see Caleb’s scars right? So imagine, then, if Molly had seen this reaction from Caleb regarding the residuum. Imagine Caleb sitting at the fire keeping watch one night, & Molly sidles over and takes a seat beside him.
“You didn’t do those yourself, did you?” He asks, fingers tracing over the crisscrossing remnants of his own magic, which is just more bullshit he doesn’t understand.
… but maybe Caleb does and maybe, just maybe, Caleb can help.

Just a thought, but if you like the idea you’re welcome to use it! Please tag me, though, if you do use it, as I’d love to read what you come up with! ^^ (maybe I’ll even write one myself, who knows!)

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Chapter 11 is finally posted! I am so sorry for the wait but I do hope it was worth it!

Over 1500 words on this chapter and I just want to thank each and every one of you who left kudos and/or comments - they really helped!

Friday, August 16, 2019


My husband and I are getting a Caucasian Shepherd after 7 years of hard work and research! Little Padushka will come home in October ^^

Fun note: подушка (podushka) means "pillow" in Russian 

We just thought that, because she'll be so fluffy when she grows up, it would be perfect. ^^

In this photo she's 3 weeks old and already adorable!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

chap 11 excerpt

            I know what you have.
            Such an incredibly valuable and powerful artifact from the Age of Arcanum, allegedly developed by Mordenkainen himself, though I have my doubts.
            I can tell you about it.
            Send your response via the enclosed sending stone.

chapter 11 is coming!

I promise that chapter 11 of Mirror of Manacles is coming!

Life happened & unfortunately I haven’t been able to finish it but I’m getting really close!

re: true or false?

Quick question! I’m having trouble differentiating between what is fanfic and what is canon for Critical Role campaign 2 (to be fair, the fanfic was amazing).Did Caleb write Molly a letter explaining, “You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, part of the Mighty Nein. If you need help, head to Zadash,”? Or something to that effect?If someone could help with a link I’d greatly appreciate it, thank you!

I like how Liam said he was leaving a letter, “Telling him to find us through the Gentleman.” But not saying he wrote his name or anything else, just that.
Then he tucked it in the lapel of his clothes. No mention of Zadash, no mention of safe places to go or stay, zero mention of the Mighty Nein at all; all he said was the quote above.

Athena Wiggles!

Monday, August 5, 2019


Hoping to have chapter 11 of Mirror of Manacles done by Wednesday - I'm cutting it close again this week, but here's hoping I can get through it!

I've been meaning to rebuild my buffer that I had when I started, but that's proving to be more and more difficult. Maybe I need to take some time off of uploading? I really don't want to do that, so I'll keep doing my best to find an alternative.

Best wishes to you guys!

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...