Friday, November 18, 2016


Litten - Level 9!

And Z-Ring attained! (Loving this music)

So strange to actually see the passage of time in a Pokémon game. Things like, "three months later," or, "next day," is so strange for me.

Ok.... so don't piss off the Tauros. Got it. I went the wrong way.

Pokémon Encounters
(on the way to the lab)

Slowpoke / Wingull

Litten - Level 10!
Pichu - Level 5!

Youngster Kevin! Oh no! </sarcasm> Ah yes, a boy & his Grubbin...?

Lass Madison with a Wingull. Really?

Litten - 11

. . . & I just Licked a Slowpoke. Gross. Two licks for it to faint, though!

*Note: normally I go through an area & I catch everything in that area, which is how I'm planning to play this game. Out of the 721, though, all I'm missing is Meloetta, who will be available via Nintendo Network starting December 1st to the 24th. So really all I need to catch are this new generation's Pokémon! So please don't freak out because I'm not sitting here catching everything. :)

I desperately want to change my character's clothes. TT.TT And this bag... this watermelon bag. No!

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