Thursday, May 2, 2019

Session Notes 2019.05.09

Just writing up some notes for next session on the 9th... wish me luck! I'm sure the two fights will last at least 10 minutes if not longer considering I've increased the difficulty for the magic users and they are now unable to K.O. the melee types anymore. There is an anti-magic field in the center of the arena and pillars for the players to hide behind. Hopefully this lends to a more challenging encounter.

I'll post the rest of my notes in a few days, just trying to work some things out! ^^

---Arena Day 2, PCs vs NPCs--- (Festival Day 4)
Shetan vs Ravoxan & Strikes in Silence vs Ayura - end day 2.
  • ·         Day 2 ends without issue… sleep.

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