Friday, May 24, 2019

Session Notes part 2!

---Lightning Round--- (Festival Day 7)
Waking to screams and chaos, looking out the window you can see hard rain and smoke coming from the arena. You can see spectators fleeing the arena while others—some of whom you recognize—are darting back and forth fighting creatures in the streets.

Tavern and Wayfarer’s Rest: Upon going downstairs, there is no one to be seen. In fact, the whole building appears to be empty.

*Notes: Some people are hiding in the basements or in their rooms, but most are clamoring to get to the teleportation circle in the library.

**Notes: make a map—for your eyes only!—for the placement of Shambling Mounds,  including their patrols, which ones are engaged in combat, and which ones are searching for fights. Include a loot list per mound encountered, just simple items either from spectators/adventurers it may have engulfed.

---ENCOUNTER – Shambling Mounds x ?---

Shambling Mounds
are appearing from 4 rifts positioned at each cardinal point of the festival platform.

Leaving the inn/tavern will have the players dodging Shambling Mounds and the NPCs fighting them. The arena clerics are doing their best to keep up with healing and support, while some spectators are running to the shops to grab potions to help the weak or fallen. (No one is watching the shops.)

---ENCOUNTER, NON-COMBAT – Young Blue Dragon 1--- (Brimscythe)
As the players approach the arena, the storm surrounding the festival platform will cause the clouds to roil and rumble. Lightning arcs across the sky and you can just make out a dangerous silhouette behind the clouds, disappearing in yet another flash of light.

Should the players step onto the arena platform, Brimscythe shall descend from the clouds and use his lightning breath (60 ft line, 5 ft wide) DC 16 Dex save, 10d10 damage on a failed save or 1/2 damage on a success. He is not necessarily attempting to hit anyone, merely firing off a warning.
He has come seeking Allura Vysoren, and will bellow in both Common and Draconic that she be brought to him immediately or suffer.

*Notes: Allura should already be with the players since they are tasked with guarding her. As they are approaching the arena, she will hang back and hide. If they insist that she come with them, she will refuse, and any resulting commotion will catch Brimscythe’s attention; he will do everything he can to get to her.

If the players have chosen to leave her somewhere safe, then the players have some options regarding what to do with Lady Vysoren.

“I know where the prize vault is,” she will offer, “I can open it for you. We may have a chance against him if we fight back.”

Allura very much does not want to go with the dragon, and will fight if necessary. She will do her best to soften her blows against the party if she must fight them, but she will go all-out against the dragon, starting with Banishment and working up to Finger of Death.

Regardless of the players’ choice, Brimscythe will destroy as much as he can before leaving and has no qualms over breaking his word. He relishes in the destruction of the festival grounds, and once he leaves the Shambling Mounds are still coming through the rifts. It is up to the players (and/or NPCs) to close them. (Dispel Magic)

---ENCOUNTER – Young Blue Dragon COMBAT--- (Brimscythe)

Everything he does is to reach Allura, and he doesn’t care if she goes unconscious. He will spend most of his time as high up as he can, descending only if his wings are damaged. At 10% health, he will seek to flee, with or without Allura.


The officials will notice the prizes missing and the guards will be on high alert for any item possibly matching their description. Allura will make sure the players understand not to expose their items until they are far away from the festival grounds and also ask for some measure of compensation that she can give the officials if she is cornered and questioned. She will also pay them what she owes for the day and thank them very much for protecting her. She has other quests for them, if they are interested in helping her out and earning some coin.

“The officials will no doubt have noticed the missing prizes, and they will come looking for me to compensate them. If I say nothing regarding your involvement, I would hope to have the debt repaid should I ask it of you."

Allura’s Quests
Quest #
Children of Emon
Find the missing children of Emon, return them to their homes, bring proof of completion.
Adult Oblex/Elder Oblex
Golden Girl
A young girl has gone missing in [city]. Her 2 aunts wish her safe and quick return.
Green Dragon/Night Hag Coven
Hammer Down
Find Lady Kima.


Level Up! Congratulations on Level 7!

 ---Available Loot – Shops---
Wesson’s Smithy – unfinished weapons, armor in various states of repair, grappling hook, chain… everything else was taken to help fight the Shambling Mounds.

Dread, Wrath, and Beyond – Acid (vial) x6, healer’s kit x2, alchemist’s supplies, brewer’s supplies, spell components, and 2 bottles of viscous yellow liquid (Tiefling baby formula!5).

Packers Plus – see: General Store list

The Closet – Clothes (Common, Costume, Fine, Traveler’s) + see: Jeweler/Stonecutter list

Tier 1 ImportsAlchemy Jug, Goggles of Night, Boots of Elven Kind, Boots of Haste, Bracers of Archery, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Flame Tongue, Frost Brand, Blinkback Belt, Hand Cone of Clarity, Bag of Holding; Scroll – Dispel Magic, Scroll – Locate Creature, Scroll – Invisibility

Kobold Fried Chitin – Splitlins, Centipie, Beetlans, Mashegot, 1 “Mana” Potion (gain 1 1st level spell slot)

Withering Ladle – poisoner’s kit, vials of poison (poison types: Potion of Poison6 & Wyvern Poison)

Baalzepub – food and drink

---Prize Vault – Save Allura!---
1.       Flying Carpet (4 x 6), 60 ft flying speed, 400lbs
2.       Whisper, dagger, Vestige of Divergence
3.       The Magician’s Judge
4.       Boots of the Vigilant
5.       Wand of Polymorph
6.       Maelstom Gloves

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