Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pokédex Progress!

Pokédex Progress:

bold = got it, normal = caught/evolved/breed, blank = not caught

004 Litten
005 Torracat
006 Incineroar
007 Popplio
010 Pikipek
011 Trumbeak
012 Toucannon
013 Yungoos
014 Gumshoos
015 Rattata
016 Raticate
017 Caterpie
018 Metapod
019 Butterfree
020 Ledyba
021 Ledian
022 Spinarak
023 Ariados
024 Pichu
025 Pikachu
026 Raichu
027 Grubbin
028 Charjabug
029 Vikavolt
030 Bonsly
031 Sudowoodo
032 Happiny
035 Munchlax
036 Snorlax
037 Slowpoke
038 Slowbro
040 Wingull
041 Pelipper
042 Abra
043 Kadabra
044 Alakazam
045 Meowth
046 Persian
047 Magnemite
048 Magneton
049 Magnezone
050 Grimer
051 Muk
052 Growlithe
053 Arcanine
054 Drowzee
055 Hypno
056 Makuhita
057 Hariyama
058 Smeargle
059 Crabrawler
061 Gastly
062 Haunter
063 Gengar
064 Drifloon
065 Drifblim
066 Misdreavus
067 Mismagius
068 Zubat
069 Golbat
070 Crobat
071 Diglett
072 Dugtrio
073 Spearow
074 Fearow
075 Rufflet
076 Braviary
077 Vullaby
078 Mandibuzz
079 Mankey
080 Primeape
081 Delibird
082 Oricorio
083 Cutiefly
084 Ribombee
085 Petitlil
086 Lilligant
087 Cottonee
088 Whimsicott
089 Psyduck
090 Golduck
091 Magikarp
092 Gyrados
093 Barboach
095 Machop
096 Machoke
097 Machamp
098 Roggenrola
099 Boldore
100 Gigalith
101 Carbink
102 Sableye
103 Rockruff
108 Finneon
109 Lumineon
110 Wishiwashi
112 Corsola
115 Shellder
116 Cloyster
117 Bagon
118 Shelgon
119 Salamence
120 Lillipup
121 Herdier
122 Stoutland
123 Eevee
124 Vaporeon
125 Jolteon
126 Flareon
127 Espeon
128 Umbreon
129 Leafeon
130 Glaceon
131 Sylveon
132 Mudbray
134 Igglybuff
135 Jigglypuff
136 Wigglytuff
137 Tauros
138 Miltank
139 Surskit
140 Masquerain
143 Fomantis
147 Paras
148 Parasect
149 Poliwag
150 Poliwhirl
151 Poliwrath
153 Goldeen
154 Seaking
155 Feebas
156 Milotic
157 Alomomola
158 Fletchling
159 Fletchinder
160 Talonflame
161 Salandit
163 Cubone
164 Marowak
166 Magby
167 Magmar
175 Pinsir
178 Goomy
179 Sliggoo
180 Goodra
181 Castform
184 Staryu
185 Starmie
188 Cranidos
189 Rampardos
190 Shieldon
191 Bastiodon
192 Archen
193 Archeops
194 Tirtouga
195 Carracosta
198 Nosepass
199 Probopass
205 Zygarde
208 Skarmory
212 Clefable
214 Beldum
215 Metang
216 Metagross
218 Porygon2
220 Pancham
221 Pangoro
223 Torkoal
226 Elekid
227 Electabuzz
228 Electivire
229 Geodude
230 Graveler
231 Golem
232 Sandile
233 Krokorok
234 Krookodile
235 Trapinch
236 Vibrava
237 Flygon
238 Gible
239 Gabite
240 Garchomp
241 Klefki
244 Drampa
245 Absol
246 Snorunt
247 Glalie
248 Froslass
249 Sneasel
250 Weavile
251 Sandshrew
252 Sandslash
253 Vulpix
254 Ninetales
255 Vanillite
256 Vanillish
257 Vaniluxe
258 Snubull
259 Granbull
260 Shellos
261 Gastrodon
262 Relicanth
264 Carvanha
265 Sharpedo
266 Wailmer
267 Wailord
268 Lapras
269 Exeggcute
270 Exeggutor
277 Murkrow
278 Honchcrow
279 Riolu
280 Lucario
285 Tapu Koko
292 Lunala

more posts coming!

Really! Been hectic the past few days, but I'm getting some stuff together!

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Hey guys! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Please forgive me for not posting these past few days, we have guests over & it's hard to chronicle what's going on at the moment.

Regarding Alpha Sapphire, I managed to catch the jerk Virizion. Then I got tired of legendaries for the moment & picked up my copy of Pokémon Moon & you know, I'm really sorry to say this, but... I'm quite disappointed with it.

Why? The calling of allies for one. I wouldn't mind if only the Totem Pokémon did it but all of them? Really? No. That gets annoying really fast.

2. I can control up to level 60 Pokémon? Already? I mean I know I've done a lot of trials but... wow. Besides, my Pokémon only just now it 50.

3. SO MANY FREE THINGS OMG - seriously, I haven't had to buy hardly anything. Mostly repels, honestly. Right now I'm just trying to finish the game so I can farm for the Pokémon I actually need since, you know, after the Meloetta event starting December 1st I'll have all 721 Pokémon. So really all I need are these new ones!

4. Why do I have to go back to catch the Totem Pokémon? Why can't I just capture it in the trial? Or, you know, have it stand there at the end of the trial, press A & then initiate a battle with it? (or, given the way this game is going, why don't you just give it to me? Tell me that it loves the way I battle & just hops into my party for criminey's sake...)

So yea, sorry, but I'm disappointed, Nintendo, Gamefreak. I really expected more from this game, as hyped up as it was.

Better luck next gen...? o.O

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Delta Episode complete!

Rayquaza - 3 Ultra Balls

Deoxys - 12 Ultra Balls

That's a record for me! Normally I end up giving up & using my Master Ball on Deoxys. So glad I got lucky!


Elite Four defeated!

Champion Steven defeated at 12:38, credits ended at 12:57. O.O Now on to the Delta Episode!

Victory Road

About to go to Victory Road! I decided to at least beat the game so that I can get access to Blissey Battles & level all the faster. ^^

So in order to get to those I need the Level Release, which I can get after completing the Delta Episode.

On to the Elite Four!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

LF #1

Legendary List


Kyogre Encounter

Catching Kyogre for Brian!

About to fight Kyogre! (3:30pm - Nov. 21, 2016)

Let's hope I can catch the jerk! (bought 70 Ultra Balls)


3:32pm - killed it [restart]
3:37pm - killed it [3 Ultra Balls used]
3:40pm - killed it [try again...]
3:44pm - killed it [getting frustrated]
3:49pm - GOT IT!


All righty! So I decided to transfer my Alpha Sapphire team to my X game so that I can raise their level up in the Battle Chateau since there's no real grinding spot in ORAS. ^^ So my gameplay has been delayed as I raise them from low 30s to 70s. :)

Monday, November 21, 2016


I reached Fortree! Going to take a break so that I can get some dishes done as well as some work around the house. :)

Be back soon!


Just got Latias!

Progressing fairly well, I think. :)


Made it to Mauville!

* taking on the gym!
   *1st trainer defeated          11:40AM
   *2nd trainer defeated         11:44 AM
   *3rd trainer defeated          11:45 AM
   *4th trainer defeated          11:47 AM
   *Gym Leader defeated      11:52 AM

Versus the Winstrate Family!
   *Dad defeated
   *Mom defeated
   *Daughter defeated
   *Grandma defeated 12:02PM

On my way to Route 112!

LF #1

And I'm in Petalburg! (now to help Wally...)

Legend Farm #1

Starting up Alpha Sapphire for friend Brian!

File Information: 

Date: November 21st, 2016
Time: at 7:53 AM PST.
Trainer: Sapphire

To follow my AS adventures, check for the LF tag/label ^^


So two friends of mine are also playing Pokémon & I'm going to be taking a break from Pokémon Moon to play Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire through just one more time each in order to give each of them the legendaries from the game opposite of what they have.

(names changed to protect privacy)

Cody is playing Omega Ruby & needs legends from Alpha Sapphire.

Brian is playing Alpha Sapphire & needs legends from Omega Ruby.

Why don't they just trade with each other? Because neither one feels particularly excited about playing the game a second time. . . but that's where I come in! (yay?)

We're taking a step back here on Midnight Grind to help out some good friends. ^^

Sun & Moon

I am so lost on this game. I'm doing "quests" but having no idea what I'm actually doing. It's hard for me to follow the story with all these trials & so much information... I'm on overload. I'm just going through the motions without really comprehending what I'm doing. TT.TT

Not sure how I feel now.

Saturday, November 19, 2016



So I just got into Heahea yesterday, headed to Route 4 (slow I know, this is after 7 hours of play TT.TT )










     My party thus far:

Litten is Torracat & 21

Pichu is Pikachu & 17

Pikipek is Trumbeak & 18

Cutiefly is 12

Munchlax is 17

Greninja is still 36

Free Tauros!

I can ride!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Bulbapedia: Cosmog

A legendary you get by evolving? What witchcraft is this?!


Just transferred my Ash-Greninja & claimed my special Munchlax from the deliveryman. :)

Checking out the Festival Plaza & Wonder Trade! (Hello Chiaki from Wisconsin!)
   Got a Yungoos!

Yay Experience Share!


Litten - Level 9!

And Z-Ring attained! (Loving this music)

So strange to actually see the passage of time in a Pokémon game. Things like, "three months later," or, "next day," is so strange for me.

Ok.... so don't piss off the Tauros. Got it. I went the wrong way.

Pokémon Encounters
(on the way to the lab)

Slowpoke / Wingull

Litten - Level 10!
Pichu - Level 5!

Youngster Kevin! Oh no! </sarcasm> Ah yes, a boy & his Grubbin...?

Lass Madison with a Wingull. Really?

Litten - 11

. . . & I just Licked a Slowpoke. Gross. Two licks for it to faint, though!

*Note: normally I go through an area & I catch everything in that area, which is how I'm planning to play this game. Out of the 721, though, all I'm missing is Meloetta, who will be available via Nintendo Network starting December 1st to the 24th. So really all I need to catch are this new generation's Pokémon! So please don't freak out because I'm not sitting here catching everything. :)

I desperately want to change my character's clothes. TT.TT And this bag... this watermelon bag. No!


I'm not happy about Incineroar in the future, but omg Litten - so cute! For 18 years I've chosen fire Pokémon, & I won't change that now!

. . . I get a passport?

Also: Hau is hilarious. SAY GOODBYE HAU'S ROWLET!!! MUAHAHAHA! (I'm just a little competitive >< )

Level 6 Litten! :)

I think the Meowth of the house is upset that there's another cat. >< Also, nifty how this Meowth also walks on two legs like the one in the cartoon. Whereas in the first movie Meowth is seen on four legs.

(& here we have the catch-a-Pokémon tutorial)

Heading up Route 1 & fighting a Pikipek. Birdy caught!

Litten - level 7!

Route 1 Encounters

Pikipek / Caterpie / Pichu 
(italics note that this Pokémon has been caught by me)

. . . listen here, Trainer Jimmy, I don't have time for your crap. Of course he has a Rattata.

Oh my goodness! The grooming menu automatically notifies you? That's pretty nifty. ^^

Lass Audrey honestly thinks her Caterpie is a problem for me. Ha. Haha. Nope. EMBER!

Bye bye, Preschooler Oliver (& your Yungoos).

Made it to the festival!


Poor little Nebby! (that bridge creeps me out)




Wtf? Tapu Koko saved me? Damn. Got me feelin' special.


Thank goodness there's no escort quests, lol. I can only imagine the headaches I'd have if there were WoW-like escorts.


Okay, so the opening sequence is pretty awesome... BUT I am really disliking having to use the circle pad to move. I don't like it.

This is the first time, however, that our mom has had a room though, lol.

Gotta transfer all my stuff from the demo now!

Favorite Pokémon

What's your favorite Pokémon? Leave me a comment if you like!

My favorite is probably Honedge. :) I'm not usually a fan of "object" Pokémon, but after leveling & evolving to an Aegislash, I mopped the floor with the Elite Four of Pokémon X & Y.

. . . as well as Pokémon Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby.

Otherwise, "object" Pokémon aside, my favorite is tied with far too many.

BUT I have to say that for disliked Pokémon, I really don't like Sylveon's design; it's not remotely similar to the other Eeveelutions. TT.TT


Oh my goodness, guys, Pokémon Sun & Moon is getting shipped to my house today!!!

I am super excited to be bringing you some play-by-play stuff (as well as excited to be playing!)

Out of tradition of 18 years' worth of play, I think I have to choose #TeamLitten... but I am for sure transferring over a Honedge egg so that I can have one as backup. :)   -- (3 cheers for Pokémon Bank!)

I am counting down the 4 hours it takes for my mail to usually get here, but it might not get here until 8 tonight, so I hope Amazon doesn't take that long!

Thursday, November 17, 2016




Clefairy is 100! (2:05am)

Clefable - 90
Vulpix - 72
Ninetales - 71
Jigglypuff - 51


Nidorino hit 100! (1:30AM)


Nidoqueen is 100!

Nidorino - 92 (so close!)
Clefairy - 70
Clefable - 61
Vulpix - 49

One More!

Nidorina is 100!

Nidoqueen - 92
Nidorino - 82
Nidoking - 65
Clefairy - 57
Clefable - 40

Personal Quest!

Pokémon Quest!

So my latest quest is to get all my Pokémon to level 100, & so far I have 1-29 all the way up, plus Nidoran♂. Working on Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidorino, & Nidoking. :) So, so far so good! (Love the Blissey battles!)

As for helping my husband, there's really nothing I can do for him right now, he has nothing going on. He has some legendaries to catch but he wants to do that himself, so right now I'm just working on my Pokémon, playing Diablo season 8, &amp; a few other little things. (Taking a break from the Mysterious Barrel, lol)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

New Sun & Moon Trailer!

Is no one going to talk about how Magearna is in this trailer?!

3 Days!

Days left!


You know what I wish I had done? I wish I had started this blog last year in December when my husband & I first bought our Nintendo 3DS systems & our copies of Pokémon X & Y. I would have liked to chronicle our adventures to capture all 720 in one year's time. From December 2015 to now, November 14th, 2016, I have caught every Pokémon except Meloetta, who I will have as of December 1st. That's it.

721 Pokémon in 1 year. What a ride.

But! There is good news. :)

When Pokémon Sun & Moon comes out on the 18th, I will be chronicling my husband's & my successes, captures, & achievements. ^^

Monday, November 14, 2016

Legendary Battle!

So it's storytime! :)

I would have posted this last night but we had company over. >< Otherwise you guys know I like to post things as they happen or right after they have happened.

So my husband was playing both Pokémon Alpha Sapphire & Pokémon Omega Ruby last night, trying to catch the last legendaries that he needs from ORAS, Giratina & Kyurem. So he's in the dimensional rift fighting Giratina. He only has 31 Ultra Balls to catch both Giratina & Kyurem, so he knows he has to get critical capture or some type of miracle. He ended up having to restart his game four times to catch this guy, but right as he ran out of his 31 Ultra Balls, he decided to use his Master Ball.

It broke free.

Giratina will apparently not be contained by a Master Ball. The chance of that is so low, but it happened to my husband. So he restarted his game to try & catch it again. It took 2-3 more times just for that one Pokémon. I have never seen him save faster than right after that fight.

4 Days!

Just a few more days!

Saturday, November 12, 2016


I am restarting my count for Mysterious Barrel runs because I'd like to keep an accurate count & the fact that I lost track is bugging me.

I know I did 20+ runs, but if I don't have an exact number, I get antsy. :S

So! The new count is 2 runs in the Act III Barracks Level 2 & already I got a portal to Whimsydale! (no wings, though ><)

Here we go!

A Note

Hey guys!

I just wanted to take a second to put up a note about how/what things get posted here. I post things more or less as they happen. If I get a nifty drop, I post it. If I find a rare spawn, I post it. Why do that rather than a livestream? Because I'm way too shy to be on video or have my voice on any media of any kind. >< If there's a way to do a silent livestream, heck, I'd do that maybe.

I tend to run this blog as a sort of journal of my gaming. The reason I do this is because my husband works 16-18 hours a day & doesn't have time to game with me much anymore, so I made a Season 8 character for him in order to have that character join my game whenever I find something nifty to share with him. This way he has cool stuff when he logs back in. :)

I also like to keep charts because I like organization & I like to keep track of how many runs I've made to get a certain item. Right now I'm actively farming the Mysterious Barrel in the Act III Barracks Level 2 for the Mace of Crows. Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping very good track of my barrel runs but I know for sure I'm in the 20+ range. Heck, I got the Falcon Wings in 47 runs, the Liv Moore pet in 9 or 10 runs... but this darn barrel is really good at hiding from me.

Thank you so much for your time & for checking in!

The Grandfather

Got myself a nice new weapon! Will make it a lot easier to walk my husband's monk through some rifts & things. :)

Still looking for some better gear to get up to T10. :3

(still looking for that darn barrel)

6 Days!

Days until Pokemon Sun & Moon!

7 Days!

Days until Pokémon Sun & Moon!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Just a reminder that, if you started the Pokemon Sun & Moon Demo the day it came out, tomorrow is the day to meet the lady at the ferry station!

November 11th: Lady in the Ferry Station. "I have to sail away on a ship in 24 days." - (source)

Character Spotlight!

This is my first character, my Witch Doctor Rain.

I originally bought Diablo 3 for my husband as an anniversary gift, & he seemed to really enjoy playing it, so I asked him if I could have a character on his account just to try it out for myself.

Rain, 1st ever toon
I'm not going to lie, I was a little scared of the game just because zombies, bloated corpses, eels popping out of dead bodies... it was a lot to take in, & it wasn't the type of game that I had previously been attracted to. (no, I'm not a Tales of Symphonia girl; that game was too cutesy for me)

So I made a character, a class my husband had no intention of playing, the Witch Doctor. I named her Rain because why not.

Within a week or so my husband was online ordering a copy of the game for me just so I'd get out of his chair & so I could play for myself. I was the first one to the end of the game, but the Diablo boss fight terrified me. What'd I do? I let my husband get ahead of me in the story & I watched him fight Diablo before hacking at him myself. :) (I died a couple times)

Nowadays I'm alone when I play, so I farm transmogs, different armor sets, gamble at Kadala, or run rifts while I play the seasons. It's not much fun without him, but I always have Rain, who reminds me that I got my husband to play a class he didn't think he'd like. Now we have awesome Witchys (Rain & Tazani for me) & we haunt the crap out of mobs together whenever we can. (Thanks Jade Harvester's set!)

Because I Spit Hot Fire

Woohoo! Glad to still be collecting achievements without even meaning to. :)

8 Days!

Days until Pokemon Sun & Moon!

still searching

This Mysterious Barrel is nigh impossible to find... have any of you found it?

Got any tips? :)

Lucky person found it! (but not me)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

10 Days!

Days until Pokemon Sun & Moon!

Gear Grind

Trying to get some good armor for my Barbarian, Smush, so that I can handle a T4 Greater Rift! :)

So... welcome to the grind! ^^

Monday, November 7, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pokémon NO

I don't know about you guys, but I've always been drawn to fire type Pokémon. Ever since I got my copy of Pokémon Red & then Blue, I always started with Charmander. It wasn't until I replayed the games that I tried Bulbasaur & Squirtle. When Gold & Silver came out, boom! I picked Cyndaquil. I never played the original Gen 3-5 games, but you can bet your butt I went for Fennekin in Gen 6's X & Y, & then Torchic when I finally got Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire.

Now I see the evolutions for all the Alola starters, & I'm seeing Litten, like:

     Oh, so cute! It's adorable, yes! Yes you can be my starter!

Then there's Torracat:
     Omg yes! I like it!



And then.


We get... this?!

Monstrosity... er, I mean Incineroar

No. Just no. I swear this thing was supposed to be another Fire/Fighting type but they realized we were tired of that so they were just like, "Shit! Slap a different typing onto it! Make it different!"

This is not a starter I'm proud of or would be happy to have in my party. I'm slapping an Everstone on this thing as soon as I get Torracat & I'll keep it that way or else I'll have to go #TeamRowlet or even *gulp* #TeamPopplio.

Please, please let this be a joke. Don't do this to us, GameFreak, Nintendo. I need you to be awesome. This is not that.

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...