Sunday, March 18, 2018

Session 2: Part 2 of 2

Largo roars as he charges the half-elf. “If you ever do that again, I…!”

You are out here doing the bidding of orcs rather than the job I hired you for to find Father Orren! You would rather earn coin from those monsters rather than find my mentor and earn an honest wage!”

Before heading out of the mine, Largo gains a poleaxe, an orc’s finger in a jar, a Spell Scroll: Locate Object, and a shard of black metal on a leather cord. They also take the manticore’s head with them as they make their way back to the orc camp.

Largo leaps over the wall of the camp and lands directly in the center, throwing the head of the manticore at the doorway of the orc chief, who steps out and looks at the grisly trophy.

What is this?”

Proof,” Largo provides, still seething, “that’s what was in your mine and that one,” he says, jerking a thumb at Dax, “killed its baby.”

The chief nods at the cleric. “Good. Wouldn’t want another one of those.”

What do we get for clearing your mine?” K’sagsoda chimes in.

For clearing the mine, this.” He says, one of the orcs bringing a spear-like weapon made completely of a blue-tinted metal, its tip jagged and in the shape of a lightning bolt. “And for bringing me this creature’s head, I have this for you.”

One of the other orcs appears, leading a young man in chains, dressed in simple leathers that almost hid his light green skin. His black hair was tied back in a topknot while his yellow eyes scanned the scene before him.

Three orcs in the camp plus the chief, a tall ashen-skinned man, an eagle man, and a half-elf in a metal breastplate.

Bugger!” Largo suddenly exclaims, throwing the javelin at the chief.

[Everyone but the chief and two orcs make the saving throw.]

Surprised, the chief makes an attack with his greataxe at Largo, and, in the commotion, no one sees the young half-orc man disappear.

Largo and K’sagsoda take turns attacking the chief while Dax can only look on, terribly confused as to why they would attack someone they just helped, and the two injured orcs are talking amongst themselves, trying to determine what to do.

Suddenly, the young half-orc appears mid-combat, twin daggers lodged in the war chief’s back, and he whispers something before jumping back to avoid the end of the axe.

Dax’s hands glow with a sickly green sort of flame, an attack Largo recognizes and quickly dodges before Inflict Wounds strikes the chief, body losing all tension and falling to the ground.

The last two orcs in the camp immediately bow down, and while terrified of Largo, they seem to be directing their pleas towards the younger, dagger-wielding orc.

Should we let them live?” Largo asks their ‘prize’.

They didn’t know.” He answers.

Will they be a problem?”

He shifts, a little uncomfortably. “You saw the mines?” Largo nods and looks at the manticore head on the ground. “Then yeah, it’s a problem. They might join the woman that came, her and her gnolls.”

Largo dispatches the orcs quickly.

There’s still one keeping watch out front.” K’sagsoda reminds them.

Opening the gate, the party is met with the sight of the sentry with an arrow sticking out of his throat, dead. They quickly close the gate as a voice calls out to them.

Who goes there?”

You should go greet them.” Largo tells Dax.

Well considering that’s the captain of Leed’s soldiers, we all should.” He says, exiting the camp slowly and with his hands raised.

Largo follows after him, neither K’sagsoda nor their new companion to be seen.

The captain sits astride his dappled brown horse, the rest of the soldiers behind him. “Ah, it’s you,” he greets Largo, narrowing his eyes upon seeing Dax, “and you.”

Found a manticore in the mines not too far from here, got its head in the middle of the camp behind us. Don’t worry, all the orcs are dead too.”

Startled, the captain splutters, “A what?! Guards, go investigate that camp!”

Now, about our deal.” Largo says calmly, arms folded over his chest. “About the gnolls.”

Whipping about to make sure no one else heard the Goliath, the captain asks, “What about it?”

Largo removes a small leather bag in which he has been keeping six sets of gnoll ears and four sets of hyena ears. “Found these in the mines.”

More gnolls? So these aren’t from the ones near Leed.”

No, and I believe the agreed upon price was fifteen gold per ear.”

[Largo rolls a natural 20 on his intimidation.]

The captain clears his throat. “Yes, yes of course. Here’s three hundred gold.” He says, trading his bag of coin for Largo’s bag of ears. “And also these, for your… feathered friend.” The captain hands over a pair of leather bracers.

Once the guard are done investigating the camp, they leave and bid the group farewell. Tired from their foray into the mines, they bed down in the former orc camp, but not before checking it for more trinkets, which they find.

Loot Table
Spell Scroll: Locate Object
Jewel on leather cord
Unidentified Bag
Black metal shard on leather cord
Spell Scroll: Identify
Javelin of Lightning
Bracers of Archery
unreadable scroll

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