Saturday, March 3, 2018

Session Zero

Oh my goodness it's happening! Sat down for Session Zero to work out character creation, a little backstory, and also covering expectations of both players and the DM.
I have 2 players, my husband and our roommate. We sat down at the dining table and here's what we came up with:

Player Expectations:

  • entertaining
  • things to kill

DM Expectations:

  • phones on silent when at the table
  • out of character talk to a minimum
  • tell me things (character backstory, details, etc) and I'll work it into the story ^^

Side note: we're using D&D Beyond (the unpaid version) to create our characters, just to save space on the table. I've allowed use of Critical Role and Homebrew things, so apologies if we go off the book sometimes.

The Characters:

Largo Denison
   Goliath Barbarian

K'sagsoda Suka
   Aarakocra Ranger

That's what we've come up with so far, so wish us luck! 

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