I'm at it again, folks, making plans for a campaign that may or
may not happen, but now that I actually have a weekly D&D group, maybe the
chances of running it have increased. I've already got 75% approval so... yeah,
it looks like it may happen.
Once the campaign I'm playing in ends, I will essentially take over and the former DM will have a chance to sit back, relax, and just play. I'm piecing it together now and will be posting more of it as I get it sorted out, so check back here every once in a while to check up on it!
More after the break:
First things first: if things look familiar, it's because I took
my Lost Temple campaign (you know, it
was supposed to be a oneshot for my husband and our roommate, but turned into a
slightly longer, er, event?) and have been adding to it. I'll be running a
module to start with, to really get a feel for things, and that will take the
players from level 1 to level 3, so my campaign (still untitled), will be
starting around level 3.
Right, on to the details! For levels 1-3 I'll be running The Dragon Prince module that I found on DMsGuild with zero variation or added bonuses. I just want the party to come together nicely, maybe bond a little bit, and establish themselves as a group so they know they have each other's backs.

After defeating the Red Dragon Wyrmling Cathrax in his den near Foxdale in The Dragon Prince, our adventurers are approached by an old woman during their well-deserved feast. She expresses concern for her friend, Father Mathias, whom she hasn’t heard from in several weeks. She directs them to the barely-there outpost of Leed, but not before saying she has heard ill news from there, and hopes her friend is safe...
I will be certain to post more updates when I can; I'm still tweaking some things but I am in need of someone to read it because I can't give it to my usual proofreader (my husband) as he's one of the players this adventure is intended for.
Thank you so very much, come back soon!
~ Morwyn
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