Thursday, July 26, 2018

Session 3

You know what? I don’t even know how to describe last Thursday’s session (7-19). There were some new elements, and things got a little crazy, so I’m going to do my best to write it as I remember it but that is a little up in the air right now, haha.

First things first, we did not meet up in the game store this time. Instead my husband and I decided to host things at our house since we could have the freedom to be a little noisier, not have to worry about policing our language, you know, basics.

We notice is that our DM has brought a board with him, and it’s from the game CLUE. He’s also drawing on it with dry erase marker to make the 1-inch movement squares so we’re really curious as to what our adventure is going to bring this evening.

So 6:30 rolls around, our wizard has arrived, nachos are made, it’s a great time… except that our barbarian is missing. No big deal, though, he usually arrives around 7 so we’ll just talk and work out some downtime activities until then.

Now it’s 7:30 and none of us have heard from him, so we all hope he’s okay and proceed to start playing without him.

Our party has received word (at Sanctum, from Amilcar as usual…) that there was a party in Empire City (where K’myr is from!) and all the guests as well as a well-known noble’s son went missing. Anyone who went into the house did not leave, so the noble, in a fit of desperation and panic, went into the house and has not been heard from since.

Now we’re in the house, standing in the hall, just investigating as adventurers do. K’myr lifts the carpet and finds that the dust has been swept underneath it, so someone is still cleaning despite the fact that everyone who was in this place had disappeared.

We move into the Study. There are papers on the desk but nothing really of importance. Pinenut (our Wizard) discovers a secret tunnel and Krepsis investigates it, but comes back rather than explore it fully. K’myr finds a bracelet under a couch cushion and puts it in her bag. She’s not sure whether she’ll return it yet or not.
Curious, we press onward, into the Library. Some books have fallen off the shelves, and we can hear noise. Krepsis investigates it, and is attacked by an Intellect Devourer.

Oh crap.

There is also something of interest on the table, so Krepsis picks it up. He now has a gun with no ammunition.

There’s nothing really of interest in the Billiard Room, so we go to the Conservatory. There is a painting there of the noble and his son, as well as a statue. Krepsis picks up the statue and begins to hear a whisper in his mind, but drops it into the Bag of Holding before it has a chance to speak. (both my husband and I are freaking out, because I was the one who asked him to pick it up and put it in the bag o.O meanwhile Pinenut is just happy it wasn’t him.

In the Ballroom, there is a man playing the piano. He speaks to us, but his mouth isn’t moving. Krepsis attacks and we kill the odd creature, disgusted and hoping there’s something a little better in the Kitchen.

Sure, yeah, there’s a guy in the with a cleaver, so we knock him out too. He may or may not have been a living person, but we’re apparently murder hobos now, so we don’t really care. K’myr is really upset that everyone is just attacking things without talking first, because our task is specifically to save anyone we can.

We ended our game in the kitchen, so I’m sure K’myr is going to be more than happy to investigate the fridge and cabinets for anything of use.

Trying to think of how I can help the DM curb the murderous fighter and wizard, and also really interested in that sentient (?) statue…

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