Sunday, September 30, 2018

no clue

Does anyone know what this is? It reads:

[Strata] reached rank {s2} in the region for the conquest {s3}!

Gotta go fast!

Didn’t think more than 25% was possible… o.O

#diablo3 #season15 #seasons 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Rainbow Roulette: The Game!

So I’m sure this has been done before, but if not, here’s a thing!
You will need:
8 flavors of Fanta 

1. Number your bottles 1-8.
2. Roll the d4 to see how many flavors you are mixing together.
3. Roll the # of d8s that correspond to your d4 result.
4. For each soda chosen, add one shot to a glass. Mix well & drink.
5. Rinse & repeat!

There’s no winning, no points, just fun! Feel free to record your flavor combinations; we found some fun ones ranging from Tootsie Roll to cough syrup. ^^

Friday, September 28, 2018

Revolver: The Rainbow Roulette

Hey guys! I have a sort of a homebrew question & I thought I’d ask you guys:
One of my players is a gunslinger and I’m making him create his own weapons because he’s a Velociraptor and guns aren’t invented yet. He asked me about somehow enchanting the gun and I thought a cool idea would be to let the gun have 6 chambers to represent a Chromatic Orb spell and have the gun actually shoot Chromatic Orb to do 3d8 damage per shot (6 shots total that recharge only after a long rest).
My question for you, O Mighty Hivemind: how do I make this work in the narrative? An Awakened Velociraptor inventing his own guns, how does he get it enchanted to fire Chromatic Orb? A really expensive, long-term enchanter? A boon/blessing from a deity? What are your thoughts?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pathfinder Playtest

Unfortunately, DM S is wrapping up his campaign pretty soon, and while I'm sad, I'm actually kind of glad because we get to playtest the new Pathfinder 2.0! DM S will be putting together a oneshot for us and so far my husband and I are his only players. 😖

But! After much consideration, I narrowed my choices down to three (3) possible classes that I wanted to play:

1. a Cleric of some kind
2. Dragon Sorcerer
3. Evocation Wizard

I spent some time thinking on it and I finally decided on the Evocation Wizard. What race/ancestry you ask?



My question? Who the heck decided to let a goblin into a Wizard's school? Doesn't matter, really, as the whole building is likely burnt to a crisp. She only graduated because everyone else is dead. Kidding!

Am I though? Still doesn't matter! Meet Mizi Fooswhistle, a goblin raised/cared for by gnomes.

The reason I went with goblin is because one of my fellow players, C, was wanting to DM a D&D game, but he has 6 players (and counting?) despite it being his first D&D game.

He is trying to equate it with playing Warhammer 40k, but I'm not sure he understands that they're totally different animals, and that 6 players for a first time DM is really hard. I had designed a Goblin bard, Cookie, but as I'm unsure if C will ever get around to running this game, I'm going to put my primary wager on DM S since he has 10 years' experience as a DM in both D&D and Pathfinder.

So yes! We'll be building characters this coming Sunday if I recall correctly, and I'm super excited!

Friday, September 21, 2018


Last night my players found out that the homebrew campaign they have been playing is Jurassic Park.

What started as a joke between my wife and me, "Haha wouldn't it be funny if I dropped my players into the setting of Jurassic Park," became much more as I was designing my campaign-
My mission became "How thinly can I disguise my campaign so that it's true to the source material and then how far will my players get through the movie plot without realizing it."

First, some misdirection - . . .

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Pokémon Sun

I really despise this woman, so props to the writers for making her so wonderful to hate. Her behavior strikes a little too close for me. ><

#Lusamine #AetherFoundation

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

game notes 🎮

The worst part of being the navigator (aka the person reading the walkthrough) is sometimes 1) your players go off course & you lose track of them 2) the walkthrough is a piece of shit & your players find a collectible that isn’t even listed…. -.-

#gearsofwar3 #gearsofwar #xbox360 #navigator #omgwhy #omg #wtf!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

D3 Hours Played

Hours Played
Barbarian 222
Crusader 159
Demon Hunter 533
Monk 223
Necromancer 125
Witch Doctor 694
Wizard 216

2,172 hours total
90.5 days

Monday, September 17, 2018

GoW 3 ⚙️ Gear up again!

<<resume Sep 17 7:42 PM>>

A3C1 - complete (7:53 PM)
A3C2 - complete (8:09 PM)
A3C3 - complete (8:18 PM)
A3C4 - complete (8:33 PM)
A3C5 - complete (8:49 PM)

<<break starts 8:50 PM>>

<<break ends 9:00 PM>>

A4C1 - complete (9:13 PM)
A4C2 - complete (9:31 PM)
A4C3 - complete (9:47 PM)
A4C4 - complete (9:56 PM)
A4C5.1 - complete (10:25 PM)
A4C5.2 - complete (10:34 PM)
A4C6 - complete (10:50 PM)

<<end 10:50 PM>>

Diablo 3 stats

Sunday, September 16, 2018

D&D games I'm in

D&D Schedule Update

Sunday - no game (possible game)

Monday - no game

Tuesday - no game

Wednesday - 8:30pm-12:00am

Thursday - 6:00pm-9:00pm (alternating between DM S & myself)

Friday - no game

Saturday - no game

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Gear Up ⚙️

Trying to grind out some achievements and get some collectibles in Gears of War 3! 😉 

We have 2 players, plus myself as what I like to call, "navigator,". I find walkthroughs online and call out the steps as needed/when asked and keep track of any and all collectibles for my players to find.

More details under the break!

Season 15: Boon of the Horadrim

Season 15 will continue the experiment we began last season with a new seasonal buff. This time, for the duration of Season 15, all Horadric Caches earned from bounties will be doubled. This means that each time you complete a full set of five bounties in an Act, you will receive not one, but two Horadric Caches, for twice the bounty rewards!

Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 15:
  • Barbarian – Wrath of the Wastes
  • Crusader – Roland’s Legacy
  • Demon Hunter – Unhallowed Essence
  • Monk – Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • Necromancer – Bones of Rathma
  • Witch Doctor – Helltooth Harness
  • Wizard – Tal Rasha’s Elements

Friday, September 14, 2018


Just made some preorders, here we go!

1. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

2. Spyro remastered trilogy

3. Red Dead Redemption 2

I'll be updating as soon as I can with notes/progress. ^^

Thursday, September 13, 2018

players will be players

Well as most things go, all the things I prepared for my players last night? Completely irrelevant. They decided to go towards the Lost Temple portion of our setting, you know, the thing I originally built for them. But! At least I still have the extra stuff for when they decide to leave. ^^

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

time to improvise!

So it's my turn to DM tomorrow, I have very little in the way of actual preparation, and my carefully-crafted Lost Temple chapter is slowly becoming less and less appealing for me to run and somehow this new plan is just. . . coming together? Like it was intended all along? o.O

What sorcery is this?!

Oh goodness, why can't I do this all the time? Like, with my actual writing? Hopefully it works out? I just want my players to have a good time.

I also hope I have enough material to satisfy a 2.5 hour session. Just have to come up with enemies and encounters now!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

5 days

Just 5 days left until the end of Season 14!

Season 15 starts on September 21st at 5pm PST!

Monday, September 10, 2018

🍪 Cookie! 🍪

Oh my gosh guys, I might be joining another D&D campaign soon!

I'm excited to present Cookie the goblin bard! I definitely took some inspiration from Nott the Brave of Critical Role, but she's definitely her own person. A little bit of Nott and Scanlan Shorthalt all rolled into one, because this little disaster child wasn't enough of a mess. ^^

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Help Wanted?

Could anyone possibly help me id these dice so I can find replacements? My cats decided yellow is their favorite color :(
(also a link as to where to find replacements would be great) Thank you so much!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Joy of the Home Game

This just popped up on my YouTube recommendations after a while and I just couldn't help but share it here with you guys. ^^

There's something to be said for the comfort of home games, but I still love Critical Role. :)

Friday, September 7, 2018

Fodder Findr

So I was running the Pathfinder Beginner Box adventure as a sort of outline for the intro to my first D&D campaign/story. There’s a point where the players meet a goblin king, Fatmouth, and his 4 lackeys.
Rather than talk to the goblins, my players attack. That’s fine, sure. So I ask them which goblin(s) they’re attacking, & just to be able to tell them apart, I pull a Critical Role & name them: Fernando, Waterloo, Mamma Mia, and Dancing Queen. Because I’m the DM & I said so, lol.
Fernando goes down. Waterloo’s down. Mamma Mia got punched to death (by the monk of course). And poor Dancing Queen, cowering now because they’re the only one left.
So Aramis, the celestial warlock, asks them, “If you swear your loyalty to me, I will allow you to live.”
Mara, the rogue/paladin, stops. “Uh, no. Goblin equals evil. I’m killing it.”
And they go back and forth for a while until we had to stop for the night. Mara’s player looks at the Warlock’s player. “She’s going to kill that damn goblin.” He laughs.
Now Aramis has a goblin riding on his back to seek shelter from Mara. I had to make a character sheet for Dancing Queen, & then one of my other players joked: “I can just see Aramis’ tinder profile. I mean, we already know what a swipe right looks like, so it must be a total menagerie…”
And… and I… I had to make this:

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Mamma Mia it's-a Dancing Queen!

What goblin?

art by: Plognark*
It finally happened. In session 2 of my little campaign, one of my players--the celestial warlock--decided to save a goblin rather than kill it. I picture him as a scrappy little thing, fairly young, and always learning.

Everyone, please meet Dancing Queen.

Hey, he was supposed to die, so I didn't think a name was super important. I only named them because there were four of them on the playmat and I needed a way to distinguish them from each other.

But no. Fodder-turned-player I guess?

I'm still working on transcribing session and I'm really very sorry about that. Just running into a bunch of scheduling conflicts but I hope to have it done by at least the end of September, haha. I have about 5 hours of audio to sift through and take notes on, so please forgive me for the amount of time.

Otherwise I hope you're at least enjoying these little snippets I'm managing to post?

Let me know down in the comments what you'd like to see more of! :)

*If asked to remove image I will -
I would hate to use an image 
against the artist's wishes.
Just send me a note and I
will take it down.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Season 15 plan

With Season 15 starting up on September 21st, I thought it best to already start planning which character/class I'd like to play.

I'm usually a dexterity or intelligence-based character because who doesn't like sidestepping or blasting things with magic? But for this Season, I thought I'd go with a more, er--bashy?--type.

That's right! This season I will very likely be playing a Barbarian! So look out, Sanctuary, because Blinda would like to rage. 😡😡😡

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Season 15:

from Blizzard:


Season 15 will begin shortly after on the dates below:

North America: Friday, September 21 @ 5:00 p.m. PDT 
Europe: Friday, September 21 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
Asia: Friday, September 21 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

More information about Season 15’s theme and exclusive rewards will be available shortly; stay tuned for our preview blog. We look forward to seeing you in Season 15!


Monday, September 3, 2018

Season Wrap-up

Well unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to finish up season quite like I wanted, but at least I got the rewards I was after? I wish I could have gotten my first conquest, but I don't think that's going to happen after all. :(

Just a reminder that the season ends on the 16th at 5pm PST/8pm EST!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Level 3 o3o

Congratulations to my players for almost killing my darn young black dragon XD
Any advice on how to make boss battles a little harder to ace? Definitely going to be adding minions for any future difficult fights. :)
Now my players have decided to track the dragon instead of being happy with just chasing it away, as they were hired to do. Oh boy. So I have 2 weeks to create this side quest for them - wish me luck! ^^

September 1

Welcome to September everybody! 😊

I know I said I was going to upload my first D&D session, and I will, but I haven't managed to transcribe it just yet. I recorded the audio but I just haven't had a chance to listen to it and write it up; it is coming though!

I'm also hoping to be able to post pictures of some upcoming props I'm planning on making for my D&D campaign. Really hoping my players get a kick out of it, as I enjoy making them.

Here's hoping, right?

Anyway that's all I've got planned for right now. :) I know it's a lot of D&D and not a whole lot of Diablo 3 or other video games, but as I've mentioned before Diablo 3 has gotten really repetitive for me and World of Warcraft is just... not the same? So I cancelled my subscription and am just looking for a different game to play in the meantime. ^^

Any suggestions? I've heard some really great things about Path of Exile but I've tried it before and just couldn't get into it. Also tried Neverwinter but that didn't go so well for me either. ><

Thanks so much for hanging out with me, hope to be able to bring you some real, quality content soon.

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...