Friday, September 28, 2018

Revolver: The Rainbow Roulette

Hey guys! I have a sort of a homebrew question & I thought I’d ask you guys:
One of my players is a gunslinger and I’m making him create his own weapons because he’s a Velociraptor and guns aren’t invented yet. He asked me about somehow enchanting the gun and I thought a cool idea would be to let the gun have 6 chambers to represent a Chromatic Orb spell and have the gun actually shoot Chromatic Orb to do 3d8 damage per shot (6 shots total that recharge only after a long rest).
My question for you, O Mighty Hivemind: how do I make this work in the narrative? An Awakened Velociraptor inventing his own guns, how does he get it enchanted to fire Chromatic Orb? A really expensive, long-term enchanter? A boon/blessing from a deity? What are your thoughts?

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