Monday, February 12, 2018

Going Halvsies

Why Half-Elf Doesn't Only Mean Half-Human

by: CreativeRogues

I recently had a Player approach me about playing a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf Character for My next Short-Term Campaign.
I, being the kind DM I am, told her that I’d be willing to Homebrew something for her.
But when I told her that, she gave me a confused look, and told me that “I though Half-Elf meant Half-Elf and Half-Anything else?”
And that’s when I became a little confused…
After reading through the passages on Half-Elves and their Racial Traits, I’ve noticed something I think is incredible…
Despite saying the words “Human Parent” about 12 times in the Passage, implying that Half-Elves mean Half-Elf & Half-Human, their Racial Traits suggest that Half-Elves mean “Half-Elf and Half-Anything”!
And here’s my look into it, I hope you enjoy!

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, the standard for any Half-Elf. But it’s also followed by “and two other Ability Scores of your choice increase by 1.”
So this could as simple as +1 Strength, +1 Constitution for a Half-Elf/Half-Orc, or a +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom for a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf.
And if you wanted to be a little stranger, and perhaps go for a Half-Elf/Half-Gnome, Half-Elf/Half-Dragonborn, or Half-Elf/Half-Tiefling, this Ability Score Increase of a +1 to two Abilities of your choice allows for you to show the heritage of both parents.
Age: Age is strange, because many races such as gnome, halfling and dwarf live much longer than a half-elf, but the idea of an extended lifespan due to the heritage of both parents is still there…
Alignment: This depends a lot on the other half of the half elf. A Half-Elf/Half-Orc would most likely be Chaotic Neutral with hints of Evil, while a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf would most likely be Chaotic Good.
Size: Keeping to the Half-Elf Traits so as to not make it homebrew, your size would be medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Which would be almost default for your character…
Darkvision: Almost all races have darkvision, and seeing as how half-elves get it from their elven side, this wouldn’t effect the rest of your character in any major way…
Fey Ancestry: Keeping to the Half-Elf Traits so as to not make it homebrew, your half-elf character, no matter what their other parent would be, would have the Fey Ancestry trait.
Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in 2 skills. This is great for any Half-Elf character.
A Half-Elf/Half-Orc would most likely gain proficiency in Athletics due to their Strength, and Intimidation, much like the Half-Orc’s Menacing trait…
A Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf would most likely gain proficiency in History, much like the dwarf’s Stonecunning trait.
And if you wanted to create an even more unusual race, this Skill Versatility  allows for you to show more of the heritage of your other, non-elven parent.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and one extra Language of your choice. 
So for a Half-Elf/Half-Orc it would be Orcish as an extra Language. For a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf it would be Dwarvish.
Again… this lets you show more of the heritage of your other, non-elven parent.

And below, using only the half-elf template and a little change to flavor text, is an example of a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf, with the Traits of a Half-Elf and a Dwarf put together into a wonderful, and technically official, race.
It just goes to show how a Half-Elf doesn’t have to mean Half-Elf/Half-Human…

Half-Elf / Half-Dwarf Traits

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, your constitution score increases by 1, and one other Ability Score of your choice increase by 1.
Age: Half-elves mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years. 
Alignment: Half-elves may share the chaotic bent of their elven heritage. They tend toward good as well, with their dwarven heritage giving them a strong sense of Fair Play and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order. 
Size: Half-elves are about the same size as humans, averaging 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium. 
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 
Darkvision: Thanks to your mix of elven and dwarven blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only shades of gray. 
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. 
Skill Versatility: You gain proficiency in Intelligence (History) and one other skill of your choice. 
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Dwarvish.

So I hope this gives you some ideas…

A Half-Elf/Half-Goliath Maybe??   
 A Half-Elf/Half-Aaracokra even!??!
The possibilities are endless, now that we know that a Half-Elf doesn’t have to mean Half-Elf/Half-Human…

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