Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Player Consequences


Curbing murder hobos is a challenge presented to many DMs by inexperienced or disrupting players. To discourage your players, make them realize their actions in-game will have very real consequences for their characters.
For example, in the upcoming evil campaign, my players will be required to facilitate a covert drug deal. It’d be very easy for them to simply kill the buyers and take their money. If they did, what would be the repercussions?
Perhaps fellow criminals wouldn’t want to do business with them anymore. A rival in the criminal underground could turn them in to the authorities. Their superiors may even try to have them killed for trying to take matters into their own hands.
Make sure players know that everything, even the smallest choice, will affect the world around them.
written by: gm-and-dm-ideas on Tumblr

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