Monday, February 19, 2018

Please help?

Okay, before you say anything, I am not begging for gold (or dancing on a mailbox).

So I was playing my main and I saw an add for Heroic Argus runs with personal loot and all that fun stuff. Curious, mostly for laughs, I replied to the person and asked how much they were charging for these "carry" runs; I knew it would be expensive, but I certainly wasn't expecting 300,000 gold.

I know for many of you, 300k is just a drop in the bucket, but here's the thing: I only just reached 20k this month.

Think about that, please, for a minute, and also consider this:

I've been playing since 2006. 

Off and on? Yes. Mostly off? Yes. Still, though.

So my question is this: how in the world do you go about making that kind of money?

Thank you so much!
~ Morwyn

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