Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I decided to make an Angry Chicken Witch Doctor build.

Meet Klucky!

I tried getting the transmogs as chicken-like as possible. ^^;;;

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gobo Pack!

Just got a goblin pack in a Nephalem Rift! Haven't seen one in some time.


Oh my goodness.... 

So I was doing my goblin runs (what else is new?) & I found a Rainbow Goblin in Royal Crypts, so of course I'm super excited, go in the portal, don't find Princess Lillian but eh, such is life.

Then I go to Cave of the Moon Clan, clear level 1 jump down to level 2 &... there's a Rainbow Goblin just sitting by the entrance.

So +Blizzard Entertainment you already put a timer for when portals to The Vault close, why can't you do the same for Whimsydale portals? Just on the odd chance that someone gets two frickin' goblins in a single game? Please?

Monday, January 23, 2017


Grabbing some updates for you guys! ^^


January 20th - started the farm, got:

  • Ghoul King's Blade
  • Sungjae's Fury
  • Panther Claw
  • Templar's Chain

January 21st - Day 2

  • nothing

January 22nd - Day 3

  • Crossbow of Corvus

January 23rd - Day 4

  • God Butcher

Still waiting to find some Rainbow Goblins, haven't gotten any so far. I have, however, gotten about 3-4 Menagerist Goblins as well as a portal to the Realm of Greed, so I guess not everything has been a bust. :)

If you'd like to help me out finding NevazSir William, or Princess Lillian, feel free to send me a note with your Battle Tag & I'll go ahead & add you to my friend list.

Thank you so much!

Friday, January 20, 2017

it's okay

So I'm on my 7th run for my list, my 1st run for Cathedral level 2 (since you know, I just found out about it a few minutes ago), & what do you know? Mysterious Chest on the first go. ^^ Thank you, Diablo, for being so nice to me.

Cathedral level 2 - Mysterious Chest - Run #1


I just found out there's a transmog item in the Cathedral level 2... why does no one tell me these things???

Panther's Claw

1/3 of the way done! Just managed to snag this a few minutes ago.

Also, I'm keeping these transmogs in my stash - if anyone still needs them, I'm more than willing to drop it for you, so long as you give it back. Thanks!

Sungjae's Fury!

2 out of 9 - not horrible for my first day?

Ghoul King's Blade

So I did my first run with the new hunting list & omg I got Ghoul King's Blade on the first try! If anyone needs the transmog, please let me know & I'll be happy to share. ^^

Updated Hunting List


So sorry for that unscheduled break! We are back now with regularly-scheduled content as I try to find the following:

Cosmic Wings
Rainbow Portrait
Kanai's Scorn
Panther Claw
Crossbow of Corvus
Quehegan's Will
Sungjae's Fury
God Butcher
Ghoul King's Blade
Aidan's Revenge

I'll make a spreadsheet in a few minutes & have it posted just in case you need some of the same things I do!

Saturday, January 14, 2017



My husband was just walking around the Barracks level 2, breaks a barrel, sees a white name item & almost ignores it. He saw the weird name, though, & asked me what the name was of the thing I was farming, so I told him.

After 80+ runs, we finally have it!


Farming List:

Cosmic Wings
Rainbow Portrait

Achievement: Protector of Tristram

My husband has been running for this achievement for a couple of days now, & took quite the meticulous notes on his farming, here are his records:

1. not listed

2. not listed

3. Baron Sludge
   Graywar the Slayer

4. Bloodskin Darkbow

5. Foulwing
   Nightwing the Cold

6. none

7. none

8. Rustweaver

9. Goldblight of the Flame

10. none

11. Steelskull the Hunter

12. none

13. Broken storm

Isn't that something? On the 13th run on Friday the 13th, my husband finishes his farming. :) We both thought it was really cool, so we decided to share. ^^

How are you guys doing on your runs? Have you gotten all of your achievements yet? Feel free to share!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

re: Mysterious Barrel

Oh my goodness, so... this. This thing.

I hate it.

I started farming it on October 24, 2016 & still haven't found the @&#*@!*! thing.

I know these things take time, (like the Liv Moore pet). I know there are people who have done over 200 runs just looking for that 1 special thing that they need, but this is the longest I've ever farmed something. Heck, even the Falcon Wings only took 47 runs for me to find.

If you ask my husband, he'll say I have insane luck. The evidence he provides is: Liv Moore pet, the Spectrum sword, Horadric Hamburger, Falcon Wings, my legendary drops whenever he & I play together, etc.

I'm not trying to sound snooty or any of that, all I'm trying to explain is that I'm not used to 100+ runs to get something. I don't mind it, I'm not angry, I'm just finally experiencing a 'proper' grind, I guess. :-)

As it stands, I had 20+ runs from before I started my recount. Right now I'm up to 60 runs, bringing my total runs to about 80-85.

I'm thankful for the search, though, because I'm getting some pretty nice experience & other items while I do it; I just wish I could find it.

Sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm really not trying to sound holier-than-thou or anything.

What's your longest farm? How many runs, how many months - all of it. Comments appreciated!


I am restarting my count for Mysterious Barrel runs because I'd like to keep an accurate count & the fact that I lost track is bugging me.

I know I did 20+ runs, but if I don't have an exact number, I get antsy. :S

So! The new count is 2 runs in the Act III Barracks Level 2 & already I got a portal to Whimsydale! (no wings, though ><)

Here we go!



Short Map

Thank goodness I'm shooting for speed & not completion! lol

Trying to shoot for level 12 to see if Viperflame is finally there. After 3 runs I hope so. ^^

Monk Transmog

So here's my current look for my monk - I think it's pretty cool looking. :) 

Progress 10/11

Woohoo! Now just one more to go! Just grabbed Steelskull the Hunter on Level 14, so all I need to do is farm Level 12 for jerkface Viperflame. TT.TT

Progress 9/11

Baron Sludge can be checked off the list! I just beat the crap out of him on Level 8 - just 2 more to go!

Viperflame - Level 12 // Steelskull the Hunter - Level 14

Progress 8/11

Foulwing is dead (level 5)! Only 3 more to go until I can unlock the Classic Demon portrait. ^^


It is so nice to be as up-to-date as I can be when it comes to games, & what I mean by that is this:

I played Generations 1 & 2 Pokémon games. I tried playing Generation 3 & I just couldn't do it, so I stopped.

In December of 2015, my husband & I decided to treat ourselves to Pokémon X & Y, my first Pokemon game in so many years, & I was so happy... but oh so many new creatures to catch! I was overwhelmed, but on December 1st of 2016, I did it: I finally caught them all.

. . . of course by then Sun and Moon had already launched in November, but I was caught up. All I had to do was catch this new generation's Pokémon & I'd be set.

As soon as Pokemon Bank updates sometime this month, I'll finally be able to restart my copy of Moon & transfer my living dex over so that I can finally have all of them, & be up-to-date on every Pokémon that's been released (waiting on you, Marshadow).

today's plan

Just found out about the Darkening of Tristram 'hidden' pet: The Royal Calf! So I went ahead & got it because, well, I already had Wirt's Leg & didn't need it for anything else so BOOM I salvaged it to get the Map of Stars.

Going to be farming the final 4 elites that I need -- Baron Sludge, Foulwing, Viperflame, & Steelskull the Hunter -- so hopefully I'll get those today. ^^

Let the grind begin!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Transmog!

So, I just found Steffon's Heavy Lance in Arreat Crater level one in a chest? Has anyone else found this thing?

Back to it~

Here we go! The monk is back at it!

Season 9 Stats

All right, so we're about 11 hours into the season & we're only level 64, but we're doing the best we can. ^^ We've almost made it through Chapter 2's achievements, missing only 2 or 3.

But it's 4:28 AM now, been up since 5 AM yesterday... definitely time for bed. ><

To be continued!




It's on my Seasonal character, so I can't trade all the pages to my husband, but OMG I got it! Page 5 of the Cultist Pages is now mine! Hallelujah!

Achievement: I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers - complete


Friday, January 6, 2017

Progress 7/11

Ran into The Flayer on level 10 of the Labyrinth! My husband is running into all the ones I still need & it's wonderful!


Achievement Farming: (4)

Protector of Tristram

     * Baron Sludge     * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Foulwing             * Viperflame

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5

Progress 6/11

Aaaand we just found Oozedrool on level 9 of the Labyrinth! I'm on my Monk, Ulla, & husband is playing his Wizard!

Only 5 more special bosses until the achievement!


Achievement Farming:

Protector of Tristram

     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame

     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5

Progress 5/11

Smacked Shadowcrow on level 5 of the Labyrinth


Achievement Farming:

Protector of Tristram

     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame
     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5

Monk: level 14

30 minutes in & I've already gotten a pretty nice Leoric's Crown, socketed, so I made sure to slap a ruby in it to get as many levels as I possibly can. I'm going to try sticking to Nephalem Rifts just so I can kill more enemies more quickly than if I did bounties & see how that works for me.

Not going to lie, rifts will get pretty old really fast, but if that's what I have to do, then so be it. ><

Also! I am farming a few class sets right now, about 10 of them. Unfortunately for me, 3 of the ones I want are being offered as rewards for this season. FML. Then again, considering that 4 of the 10 sets I want are for Monk, I decided that quantity beat out everything else, so a Monk was definitely going to be my first choice. I'll make a separate post to track my progress on how I'm doing with collecting those. I'll probably tag it as #set in case you wanted to follow along.

Season 9: What'd I pick?

All right, guys, I finally decided what to play for Season 9!


That's right! I'm going to be taking a monk through Sanctuary. ^^ Why? Well I really like the set bonus of the Monkey King gear, & I really want to try it out because I've never taken a monk through a season before. (I've played monks, but not in a season.) So yes! Here we go, guys!

Welcome to Season 9!


So how are you starting off the new season? What do you think of the patch right before launch? Feel free to send a comment with your thoughts or feelings on all the new stuff!

How did you start off the season?

Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor
(I haven't decided yet)
(I don't play anymore)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Social Media

Just wanted to let you guys know that you can catch us on FaceBook & Tumblr! Hope to see you there!

If Only!

I really wish all of the Labyrinth's levels were this frakin' linear:

Progress 4/11

Tackled Rustweaver on level 13 of the Labyrinth! (I really hope these are set spawns so that you guys don't go farming these levels & then never find them TT.TT I would feel horrible).

Achievement Farming:
Protector of Tristram
     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame
     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5

Progress 3/11

I just found Lionskull on level 12 of the Labyrinth!

My only tip is this: go everywhere. Even if you've played the same dang map 20 times, go down every hallway. Find every nook & every path that seems like a dead end, because there might be a purple-named enemy just waiting for you. I know it's tedious, I know it sucks, but hey...

Welcome to the grind. ^.~


Achievement Farming:
Protector of Tristram
     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame
     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5

Progress 2/11

Achievement Farming:
Protector of Tristram
     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame
     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5


I just found Goldblight of the Flame! Level 10 of the Labyrinth is where I happened to find him, so I hope that helps. ^^


Having trouble getting my husband logged in or else I would totally have him in game with me. Then again, I do want him to play the Darkening of Tristram on his own at least once through so that he can see the story & things for himself. I think that makes him happier. Then, once he's experienced the thing, then I can do whatever I want afterwards, lol. ^^

Rather than make a new character & run it through for him, I'm pretty sure the goal is to wait for Season 9 to drop so that we can get it all out of the way at once rather than have to create 2 characters back-to-back.


Just got Blacklash the Burning on level 4 of the Labyrinth, alongside Gharbad the Weak. I don't know if this is a random encounter or just where he normally is, so if anyone has any input, I'd be happy to hear it.

This means I only need 10 more special elites until I get the achievement!

Wizard Transmog

Here's my current Wizard transmog, just in case anyone was wondering: (everything is infernal dye except shoulders)

   Red Soul Shard

   invisible dye

   Archon Armor


   Archon Faulds

   Silk Shoes

Main Hand

Off Hand
   Myken's Ball of Hate


Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Achievement Farming:
Protector of Tristram
     * Baron Sludge          *Goldblight of the Flame
     * Shadowcrow          * Oozedrool
     * Foulwing                  * Steelskull the Hunter
     * Lionskull                    * Blacklash the Burning
     * Rustweaver              * Viperflame
                        * The Flayer

I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
     * need page 5



Reward for: An Eerie Red Glow Blurs Your Vision
pet: Butcher



Well, I finished the new content fairly quickly, I think, so now I'm achievement hunting!

The whole thing takes maybe 30 minutes? I ran it with my paragon 565 Witch Doctor on T5 just because I wanted to see everything. :) I'll be making a level 1 to run it through, too, but later. Right now I'm collecting Cultist Pages & then I'll restart my game, go back into the Labyrinth, & keep grinding. ^.~

Current Achievement Tally: (6)
The Dark Passage
The Chamber of Bone
The Halls of the Blind
Psst... Over Here...
Champion of the Townsfolk
Thank Goodness You've Returned!

Farming These Achievements: (3)
Protector of Tristram
I Sense a Soul in Search of Answers
An Eerie Red Glow Blurs Your Vision

NOTE: Something really nice about the Cultist Pages is that they are not bind on account (BoA), so if someone's having a hard time, you can trade with them. ^^

In my case, depending how many duplicates I get, I'll just send them over to my husband so he can have the achievement. ^^



Portal to Darkening of Tristram

Original Tristram - to the Cathedral!

Made it to Level 16! Woohoo!

Patch 2.4.3 just dropped!

Let's Rift!

Let's get ready to gear up, grinders(?)! Grind enthusiasts? Whatever! It may only be 7AM where I am, but that doesn't mean I can't try to gear up a monk before breakfast. ^^

Season 9 starts in just two days, at 5pm PST! I am super excited to level my way up through the season, because it's such a wonderful chance to discover or rediscover skills & combinations.


"An ancient evil stirs in the ruins of Old Tristram, and a mysterious portal has appeared that leads to the halls of an all-too familiar cathedral. Deep beneath the catacombs, the Dark Lord awaits any intrepid adventurer who dares to challenge him." ~ Diablo 3 blog

Of course, this is what I'm really looking forward to: (just kidding)

Potions at Miriam's!

What about you guys? What are you most looking forward to in patch 2.4.3? The content? The dyes? The better quality of life or Greater Rift revisions?

Go ahead & leave a comment with what you like best!

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...