Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Let's Rift!

Let's get ready to gear up, grinders(?)! Grind enthusiasts? Whatever! It may only be 7AM where I am, but that doesn't mean I can't try to gear up a monk before breakfast. ^^

Season 9 starts in just two days, at 5pm PST! I am super excited to level my way up through the season, because it's such a wonderful chance to discover or rediscover skills & combinations.


"An ancient evil stirs in the ruins of Old Tristram, and a mysterious portal has appeared that leads to the halls of an all-too familiar cathedral. Deep beneath the catacombs, the Dark Lord awaits any intrepid adventurer who dares to challenge him." ~ Diablo 3 blog

Of course, this is what I'm really looking forward to: (just kidding)

Potions at Miriam's!

What about you guys? What are you most looking forward to in patch 2.4.3? The content? The dyes? The better quality of life or Greater Rift revisions?

Go ahead & leave a comment with what you like best!

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Season 34 Progress - Happy Valentine's Day!

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