Friday, August 3, 2018

Meet Memikus!

So, funny story. Do you see this raptor? This is the inspiration for the character my husband wants to play in the campaign I'm hoping to run. He's already named them Memikus (ME-mih-cuss) and is excited to play the Gunslinger class.

A gun-toting meme-lord Velociraptor.

I can smell the regret already.

Anyway, I used this as my basis for creating the class in D&D Beyond. I say basis, but what I mean is I copy-pasted everything into D&D Beyond. I didn't publish it for everyone to use, though, because I don't want to be the person who uploads something they didn't write. Especially without any tweaks made whatsoever. That would be stealing. All credit where credit is due. The only reason I uploaded it to D&D Beyond was so that I could allow my husband to choose it for his own character creation.

Of the four players I have, my husband is the only one who is really decided on what he wants to play. The other three are still considering, which is totally fine. I'm just trying to get an early jump on things is all.

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