Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Group Post

The following posts link to our first experiences with Pathfinder as a party consisting of:

Gargoyle Barbarian - played by my husband

Tiefling Witch - played by myself

Syrinx Druid - played by our roommate


Just thought I'd leave them here for anyone to read. ^^

  1. Intro to Pathfinder
  2. Skulls & Shackles
  3. GM Away
  4. Recap
  5. Campaign 2.1

There we have it, guys. ^^ Our 4 sessions with my best friend as GM leading us through our first ever Pathfinder adventures.

After these, I found out that my friend was burnt out on Pathfinder, & I had to make this update:

Our GM, who is the one who invited my husband and I to play, is experiencing some burnout. Totally normal, we understand, and we hope she comes back to us when she's ready.

It's really hard for me to have to make this post, believe me. Our little group hasn't been adventuring for very long, but we were already so attached and invested.

I'm sure she'll never see this, but if she does, I just want her to know that we understand, and we appreciate her taking time out of her Fridays to hang out with us.

That doesn't mean the posts will end, though, fear not! I have something in the works that will hopefully fill the void on Mondays and Thursdays.

Monday, February 26, 2018


Yep, I started Season 13 because dang it I want that portrait frame and the pet. No wings this season, but oh well, not like I equip them anyway. Decided to try a wizard since I've pretty much been doing necromancers for the past few seasons, just needed a change of pace. :) Started a little while ago and just hit 15; no rush.


12 years of playing & I just... thank you so much.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Shiny Dratini!

My first Dragonair!
Just found/caught my first shiny since
Pokémon Silver’s red Gyarados! :S

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Pokemon Go: hatched!

So I just managed to hatch a Dratini from a 10k egg! Woohoo!

Just another few hundred more to go... :(

Friday, February 23, 2018


Here we go!
Starting on March 1st, Midnight Grind will be posting twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays!
Of course I’ll still be posting things as they happen (game-wise), but guaranteed posts will be made on these days.
See you soon!

S13 Start!

Season 13 will begins today in just a few hours!
  • North America: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. PST 
  • Europe: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
  • Asia: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. KST
What class are you looking to play and why? Let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Name: Hedwig
Level: 2
Class: Druid
Race: Syrinx


  STR: 11  (0)             DEX: 12 (1)
  CON: 12 (1)              INT: 9   (-1)
    WIS: 20  (5)             CHA: 7   (-2)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 15/15
AC: 17    (without any armor)

Currently equipped:

Heavy Steel Shield

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Player Consequences


Curbing murder hobos is a challenge presented to many DMs by inexperienced or disrupting players. To discourage your players, make them realize their actions in-game will have very real consequences for their characters.
For example, in the upcoming evil campaign, my players will be required to facilitate a covert drug deal. It’d be very easy for them to simply kill the buyers and take their money. If they did, what would be the repercussions?
Perhaps fellow criminals wouldn’t want to do business with them anymore. A rival in the criminal underground could turn them in to the authorities. Their superiors may even try to have them killed for trying to take matters into their own hands.
Make sure players know that everything, even the smallest choice, will affect the world around them.
written by: gm-and-dm-ideas on Tumblr

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Go Deck Yourself!

GoDeckYourself.com is a free D&D 5e resource that allows you to create, share, or download your own decks/cards.

[Here] is their list of available item decks. They also have encounter decks, handouts, monsters, quests, and more!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Please help?

Okay, before you say anything, I am not begging for gold (or dancing on a mailbox).

So I was playing my main and I saw an add for Heroic Argus runs with personal loot and all that fun stuff. Curious, mostly for laughs, I replied to the person and asked how much they were charging for these "carry" runs; I knew it would be expensive, but I certainly wasn't expecting 300,000 gold.

I know for many of you, 300k is just a drop in the bucket, but here's the thing: I only just reached 20k this month.

Think about that, please, for a minute, and also consider this:

I've been playing since 2006. 

Off and on? Yes. Mostly off? Yes. Still, though.

So my question is this: how in the world do you go about making that kind of money?

Thank you so much!
~ Morwyn

Common Sword Types

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Aged Documents

Want to age paper but your tea sucks?
Preheat oven to 200° F.

Soak paper (cream cardstock in my case) in that dumb tea for 5ish minutes. Put paper on cookie sheet.
Pour soy sauce where you want the aging spots. 
Bake 5-10 minutes, until the edges curl.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

TTRPG Resources pt 1

Just thought I'd put together a list of some of the resources I use for D&D/Pathfinder. It's by no means a complete compendium or anything, but maybe a tabletop rpg (TTRPG) master post? Something like that? Sure, we'll go with that.

I hope you enjoy what I've managed to put together in the very short time I've been collecting (est. December 2016).

Friday, February 16, 2018

Player Creativity

This is absolutely amazing. Yes please.

Pathfinder Update

Our GM, who is the one who invited my husband and I to play, is experiencing some burnout. Totally normal, we understand, and we hope she comes back to us when she's ready.

It's really hard for me to have to make this post, believe me. Our little group hasn't been adventuring for very long, but we were already so attached and invested.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Along with Ryuk and Azez, we also have Queek (Ratfolk Sniper). I'd put his information up, but our session is over video chat and, well, I don't have his sheet. 😅

What I do know, though, is that he loves shiny things and likes to make trouble. He also enjoys searching people for gold teeth and then taking them. Odd? Yes. Memorable? Yep. Is it a lot to go on? Not really, no, I admit that. He does have a pretty nasty habit of farting everywhere, though, so maybe he needs to change his diet? o.O

In any case, that's our group, with the possibility of one more coming to join us. Hopefully we can have a real adventuring party soon!

I do hope you enjoy reading about our (mis)adventures, and please know that video game updates will continue to the best of my ability.

Have a great week and happy adventuring!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Diablo 3: Season 13

All right guys! Season 13 is starting up in 10 days!

Here's when it starts in the US:

5PM Pacific // 7PM Central // 8PM Eastern

New Imperius-inspired portrait & Blaine's Bear pet are part of the rewards for this season, as well as the ever-present Conqueror set. Head and shoulders this time.

Lastly, we have the class sets. The only thing I'm looking forward to is Grace of Inarius I guess? Maybe Jade Harvester. Nothing else really catches my eye, but maybe I'm just a little tired of the same thing every season.

Class Sets:

Barbarian - Might of the Earth
Crusader - Thorns of the Invoker
Demon Hunter - Shadows Mantle
Monk - Monkey King's Garb
Necromancer - Grace of Inarius
Witch Doctor - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
Wizard - Firebird's Finery


This is my level 61 rogue, Vyxahlia. I'll give you 2 guesses who she was inspired by, haha. ><

Decided to take a nap over in Darnassus before I logged out, definitely want to maintain my rested bonus.

Where are some of your favorite places to logout? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

Grand Ice Mammoth!

Many thanks to the Sons of Hodir for selling me this 3-person mount!

I've wanted it ever since WotLK first came out but have never had the gold nor reputation necessary; well today I finally got both. ^^ I'm almost out of gold now, because I have no idea how best to get more, but hopefully while farming reputation for other mounts I can earn enough.


Woohoo, guild achievement!

[Reins of the Red Drake]

Oh my goodness I finally reached exalted with the Wyrmrest Accord! I know it's not hard to do, but it is rather tedious and I'm just so glad it's over. ^.^

Are there any mounts you're waiting for? Maybe the (in)famous Ashes of Al'ar? (it's ok, I am too)

I've got a whole bunch of mounts I'm still farming, trying to get the 150 mounts achievement so I can move my way up to 300.

My husband prefers battle pets, so maybe I'll grab a few for him. :)

Now I just need some gold. 😭

I'd love to try this

Monday, February 12, 2018

Going Halvsies

Why Half-Elf Doesn't Only Mean Half-Human

by: CreativeRogues

I recently had a Player approach me about playing a Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf Character for My next Short-Term Campaign.
I, being the kind DM I am, told her that I’d be willing to Homebrew something for her.
But when I told her that, she gave me a confused look, and told me that “I though Half-Elf meant Half-Elf and Half-Anything else?”
And that’s when I became a little confused…
After reading through the passages on Half-Elves and their Racial Traits, I’ve noticed something I think is incredible…
Despite saying the words “Human Parent” about 12 times in the Passage, implying that Half-Elves mean Half-Elf & Half-Human, their Racial Traits suggest that Half-Elves mean “Half-Elf and Half-Anything”!
And here’s my look into it, I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Season 12 End

Just a few more hours to go before the end of the season, I hope you're ready!

  • North America: Sunday, February 11 @ 5:00 p.m. PST 
  • Europe: Sunday, February 11 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
  • Asia: Sunday, February 11 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

Season 13 will begin about two weeks afterward on the dates below:

  • North America: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. PST 
  • Europe: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. CET
  • Asia: Friday, February 23 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

Friday, February 9, 2018

Free RPG Maps!

So Tumblr had this little gem and, I have to say, what a wonderful idea! Of course, I also love the idea of giving the hint to one player and seeing if they'd be willing to share.

Then of course someone posted a map from Dyson's Maps and I had to check that out . . .

Wow. Just.... wow.

Campaign 2.1

So... I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but our GM has decided to instead start us off on The Ruins of Azlant, where heroes Ryuk, Hedwig, Queek, and Azez find themselves aboard The Peregrine and headed to the colony of Talmandor's Bounty on a mission to rebuild it. (Hedwig was actually absent for this session, but let's just pretend he's there... not like he does a lot of talking anyway).

Captain Markosi has instructed our unlikely adventurers to take a rowboat and get to the colony posthaste. On their way to shore they are attacked by grindylows, but Ryuk takes one out in a single hit (first critical!) and the other is beaten down in short order.

Reaching the colony, our group finds it completely abandoned and rather in a sorry state. Buildings are made of wood or mud and brick, and of the seven pavilions, only two are actually still standing.

(It's strange, really, as at this point our GM is just telling us, "You go to building A2," then we fight whatever is inside or loot something, and then we're told, "You move on to building A3," - how to tell your GM is tired after a long week :S they're not usually like this.)

We turn over a canoe and fight a Fuath. We go to the pavilions and find 4 potions of Cure Light Wounds. We also find some rotted vegetables and meat. Apparently the colony has been abandoned for quite some time, but we do find some still-sealed barrels with fresh produce inside, so we estimate that the people disappeared only about a month ago.

Our Gargoyle barbarian has also taken a liking to crashing through the walls a là Kool-Aid Man rather than using the door.

There's a building with tools inside, but the colonists didn't take any with them. The forge has a pungent animal smell and has also been untouched for several weeks. Inside we find 3 Ghosthater Goblins.


Goblin #2 takes 18 points of damage and promptly dies. Goblin #3 takes 5 points damage from Azez, followed by 15 points from Ryuk and it, too, dies, but not before hitting Azez for 6 of her 18 points. The last goblin, #1, takes a single hit from the Gargoyle, and dies from 14 points from the greataxe.

Eventually our crew is guided to building A6, the chapel. Inside we find 2 piles of ashes from former books, 2 simple deity statues, signs of a struggle, unidentifiable tracks, dried blood, and the smell of rotting flesh which is strongest by the altar.

So of course the Gargoyle breaks it. Out tumbles the corpse of Silas Weatherby, a farmer with multiple stab wounds.

His ghost rises from the altar and attacks us. Queek misses. Ryuk readies his greataxe for a mighty swing.

Natural 20. Another critical.

He rolls a 10. All told, he deals 36 points of damage, and he's only level 2. So happy.

And then Silas comes back as the rapping spirit". Oh crap. Oh no.

Azez rolls. Natural 19, a crit for her dagger. Her first crit, actually, for a total of 15 points. Silas dies. Only too late do we realize that we should have probably tried talking to him to find out what happened. Oops.

With that our session ends for the night. Very little RP opportunities, though we did try. We were all so tired that things just sort of went via autopilot. Hopefully our next session will be a little smoother and more eventful. :)

On the plus side, though, DING level 3!

Thursday, February 8, 2018


With just 3 days left in the season, I made it to Slayer for the first time in quite a while. ^^


Name: Azez
Level: 2
Class: Witch
Race: Tiefling
Height: 5'


  STR: 10  (0)             DEX: 19 (4)
  CON: 15 (2)              INT: 19   (4)
    WIS: 13  (1)             CHA: 10   (0)

Alignment: Chaotic Good

HP: 18/18
AC: 17    (without any armor)

Currently unequipped:

+3 Studded Leather Armor
+1 Ring of Protection

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dial him up!

Sorry for all the Tumblr memes & things, but I got a laugh out of them and thought you guys would too. ^^

Monday, February 5, 2018

oh goodness

I cannot even express how badly I want this shirt. o.o

I've seen it before, several years ago, but I wasn't even remotely interested in D&D or Pathfinder back then, so I never considered looking for it.

Until, of course, Amazon put it in my recommendations. I mean, really, it's like they know...

All joking aside, it looks really comfortable and I've got it saved on my wishlist for later.

Pride Dice

Love these Pride dice? Go on over to Infinity Dice to check them out. :)

Saturday, February 3, 2018

New dice!

Just got 140 brand new dice! Many thanks to my husband for this wonderful (and early!) Valentine's Day gift. These will all hopefully get a chance to be rolled and bring us some good luck in the coming campaign(s).

Friday, February 2, 2018


Last we left off, our heroes(?) found themselves aboard the Wormwood, captained by a man named Harrigan. Hedwig and Queek were drafted as swabs, Ryuk as the rigger, and Azez found herself down in the kitchen. Thankfully they've all managed to keep their heads about them, and they even have a task: help Rosie Cusswell retrieve her fiddle from Quartermaster Grok.

Diablo 4 Open Beta

Pleased to say we were able to play the Open Beta of Diablo 4  & I must be honest, it was worse than last weekend. So many bugs/errors, ...